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'It's over': Danny Green floors Anthony Mundine as Perth rematch rumours swirl

Danny Green has thrown a verbal haymaker at Anthony Mundine about rumours the pair were set to jump into the ring one final time in Perth.

The West Australian pugilist sent his bitter rival a blunt message about the possibility of a rematch: "I won, it's over."

Mundine's father Tony – an accomplished fighter who fought in four weight divisions over almost three decades – fuelled speculation his son and Green were set for a third fight in Perth later this year. 

"They are fighting again in Perth at the end of the year, it is in the works," Mundine snr said at a fight night in the northern NSW town of Grafton, according to Nine.com.au

"Choc was a bit unfortunate the last fight he had against Danny.

"He got a few tough decisions not go his way but that is alright."

Mundine went down to Green in a controversial points decision in Adelaide on February 3, squaring the ledger 11 years after beating his fierce rival in a points decision in Sydney in 2006.

​Green didn't hold back when WAtoday asked if he would consider fighting Mundine again.


"He is a very lucky cat... I'm a tough bloke and insisted on continuing after that atrociously blatant foul where I was incredibly given no time to recover, considering it was a blatant foul," he said.

"Imagine the carnage it would have caused in pubs and clubs around the nation if the fight ended in him being disqualified?

"The media love controversy. In reality, the only controversy was his shocking cheap shot.

"I soldiered on and threw nearly double the punches, and landed more than he did... more importantly I landed more power punches, and was victorious in a very satisfying performance under such immense duress.

"I won. It's over."

Green's long-time manager Justin Manolikos laughed off suggestions a third bout was in the works.

"I haven't spoken to Danny in a couple of weeks but I think he made it pretty clear after the last fight he was done with the sport," he told WAtoday.

"I'm heading up north next week with him to do some fishing, but I haven't heard anything about another fight."

Manolikos wouldn't say if Green could be lured out of "retirement" if the price was right.

"Mate, it's not up to me," he said. "Like I said, Danny made it pretty clear after the fight that was it."

Speaking to Fairfax Media just after the Adelaide defeat, Mundine was still struggling to come to terms with the decision.

"At the end of the day, I know I won," Mundine said.

"It's moments like this that ruin the sport, ruin the integrity of the sport.

"Fighters know. I felt I was in control of the fight, I thought I won it seven rounds to three – at worst six rounds to four. I won the fight.

"30,000 people [at Adelaide Oval] and most of the country tuned into that fight. Danny Green knows, in his heart of hearts, that he wasn't the victorious one. 30,000 people watching that fight, if they have any intelligence in boxing, know Mundine won that fight. That's something he has to live with.

"We all know I'm the better fighter, it's 2-0. We all know it's 2-0."

A week after his loss in Adelaide, Mundine came out swinging again, saying he wanted another rematch with Green and would destroy his bitter rival in his hometown of Perth.

"I want to beat him, whip him and hurt him in his own backyard, in his own home in Perth," told SEN at the time.

"All his family can come, all his friends can come and witness him getting fried.

"I want to whip his arse.

"This time I really feel I can hurt him really bad. I want to put an end to his career."

Mundine said he wanted a rematch with Green with the right referee who would allow the two veterans to go at it on the inside and the outside.

"Ninety per cent of the people that know boxing know that I won the fight," Mundine said.

"Even his fans were coming up to me after the fight saying I won the fight.

"I'm not talking one or two people, I'm talking everyone that I run into."

Mundine said he wants to fight Green at 83 kilograms, four heavier than what he weighed during the Adelaide bout.

WAtoday flagged back in 2014 the pair had an existing clause in their original 2006 contract for a re-match in Perth.

Mundine's manager Khoder Nasser has been contacted for comment.

- with AAP