- published: 27 May 2016
- views: 3538
Application may refer to:
Phoenix most often refers to:
Phoenix or The Phoenix may also refer to:
Slides and more info: http://www.elixirconf.eu/elixirconf2016/lance-halvorsen Frameworks are a great help to web developers in all languages. The productivity increases are real, but there's a catch. Framework elements tend to entangle and overshadow an application's domain entities. This effectively chains the application to the framework. Choosing a new framework, or choosing a new interface entirely, almost certainly means a rewrite. Elixir and Phoenix offer a way out. We can build an application in pure Elixir before we ever run "mix phoenix.new". We can test this application in isolation to improve our confidence in it. We can bring it into a new Phoenix project as a dependency. Then Phoenix can do what it does best, be the application's web interface. Talk objectives * Expand our ...
Get the code at: https://github.com/rawcodehq/elixir_auth
Rails has established a norm in how easy and pleasant writing web applications can be. It helped enormously with establishing Ruby community and it's influence spread far beyond Ruby. The Elixir programming language is a descendant of Ruby and the great ecosystem around it. It was created by José Valim, Rails core team member. Phoenix is a web framework written in Elixir which tries to incorporate many great practices from Rails but also go beyond by leveraging the distributed and parallel computing features of Elixir. I would like to introduce Phoenix to the community by creating a chat application which will show how easy it is to create real-time web applications with next generation of web frameworks and programming languages.
By combining Elixir powerful web framework with ejabberd realtime messaging platform, you can build extremely powerful applications. This screencast will help you get started. You can read the details on ProcessOne blog: https://blog.process-one.net/embedding-ejabberd-into-an-elixir-phoenix-web-application/
Thibaut Barrère est développeur Rails indépendant et développeur du service SaaS WiseCash https://www.wisecashhq.com/ Il nous présente son impression lors du rewrite de son application Rails en Elixir et nous donne ses astuces pour rendre cette migration possible, de manière incrémentale. Les slides sont disponibles ici: https://speakerdeck.com/thbar/de-rails-a-phoenix-retour-dexperience-sur-une-reecriture-dapplication-saas
Screencast by Josh Adams on using Semaphore CI to automatically test a Phoenix application each time new code is pushed. Semaphore CI: https://semaphoreci.com/ Elixir Sips: http://elixirsips.com/ Follow us on twitter: @semaphoreci
Screencast by Josh Adams on using Semaphore CI to automatically test a Phoenix application each time new code is pushed. Semaphore CI: https://semaphoreci.com/ Elixir Sips: http://elixirsips.com/ Follow us on twitter: @semaphoreci
Get the code at: https://github.com/rawcodehq/elixir_auth
I have 1 Phoenix application publish its instrumentation data to its own channel. I have a second Phoenix application that listens to the channel of the first and plots response times.
Get the code at: https://github.com/rawcodehq/elixir_auth
Get 15% Promo code: https://goo.gl/SPElvN?67277
Get the code at: https://github.com/rawcodehq/elixir_auth
Get the code at: https://github.com/rawcodehq/elixir_auth
Realtime Applications with Phoenix and Swift by David Stump Elixir and Phoenix are built on a foundation of concurrency, speed and reliability. Thinking beyond the browser, these features are ideal for the backbone to any successful mobile application. Together we will explore leveraging the powers of Phoenix and WebSockets to get started building realtime mobile applications in Swift. Along with a basic introduction to Apple's (relatively) new language Swift, we will explore how to setup a mobile application to communicate with a Phoenix application in realtime using Phoenix Channels. We will also discuss the impacts of some of the newer Phoenix features, like Presence, and how these can be used to enhance your applications. Attendees will get a brief introduction to the basics of iOS de...
Lonestar ElixirConf 2017- Leveling up your Phoenix Projects with OTP by Nico Mihalich With Elixir and Phoenix, the toolkit for building web applications has expanded dramatically. Beyond Phoenix's routers and controllers awaits a whole new world of features and ways to build reliable systems. With this talk, you'll see how. When learning or adopting a new language, you naturally draw on your existing domain knowledge as a stepping stone. Building a web app in one language is much like building one in another. You handle requests, responses, and for most languages, give little thought to stateful processes and long-running subsystems. However, with Elixir and Phoenix everything is different. We can compose applications using isolated, stateful subsystems that a regular stateless request...
Code: https://github.com/minhajuddin/phoenix_chat
Painless Test Driven Development with Elixir and Phoenix by Kat Tornwall Test driven development is a core part of our process at Gaslight, and for our first couple of Elixir applications, we struggled adjusting to writing tests in our Phoenix application after years of working with RSpec and Rails. Luckily, we’ve come up with several conventions, tips, and tricks to help developers write simple, easy to understand unit and feature tests. In this talk I’ll describe how we structure tests, test setup, and helper objects to make TDD as painless as possible. Specific topics I’ll cover are: Naming conventions for organizing tests Using factories and helpers to clean up your setup Splitting tests into files to group them by context Keeping your feature in order with page modules and Hound Writ...
Code: https://github.com/minhajuddin/phoenix_chat
Concurrent Feature Testing with Wallaby by Chris Keathley Feature tests are one of the best ways to ensure reliability and consistency for web applications. But, as your test suite grows feature tests can become a performance bottleneck. This leads to developers running their tests less often or only on the continuos integration server. In some cases it means avoiding feature tests altogether. Luckily, the release of Ecto 2.0 means that its now possible to run concurrent browser tests. Wallaby is a tool designed to take full advantage of that. In this talk we'll look at how to configure a Phoenix application for concurrent testing, give a brief overview of Wallaby, and showcase how we can use data transformation and composition to quickly build a highly concurrent test suite.