The Latest on The Point

Did you miss The Point? Here's the latest news and features from this agenda-setting program. 

Newly added
"From what I hear, some of the communitites, they got scabbies out there, or they're sleeping on the floor. It might be recycled mattresses, but they're cleaned as...
A quarter of a century after the Mabo decision, Charles Passi, the son of the only surviving plaintiff, reflects on the legacy of the case and how it underpins...
Twenty-five years after Eddie "Koiki" Mabo's historic land rights victory, his granddaughter, law graduate Hannah Duncan, is forging her own path to help her...
Growing up in one of the most remote places in Australia, Emily Wurramara's musical journey has taken her a long way from home.
An Indigenous education company offering to provide nationwide confirmation of Aboriginality certificates for $99 has been criticised as disrespectful of...
The long-awaited discussions around if and how Indigenous Australians should be recognised in the Australian Constitution have begun in Uluru.
Opposition Leader sees road to treaties through constitutional recognition.

More of The Point

A woman's body is found on a river bank and a young Aboriginal man is convicted of her murder. For 25 years, he's been behind bars, and for 25 years, he's...
The bilby is one of the most critically endangered native animals in Australia their numbers have dramatically reduced since European settlement now the finally...
The Point spoke with lawyer, human rights advocate and prisoner rights campaigner Martin Hodgson who is supporting Goreng Goreng man Kevin Henry who was...
The federal budget has been handed down in Parliament House with the government promising a fair and practical plan forward that makes the right choices for hard...
Peak Indigenous groups have responded to the federal budget, saying its new measures are out of touch and fail to reach real solutions for Indigenous Australians.
The Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network have left a candlelit message for the Turnbull government as they head back to Parliament this week to deliver the...
This group of Indigeonus surfers hope to use their sport for a good cause.
It had all the traits of a typical rags to riches story: a poet living out of a caravan wins one of the world's wealthiest literary awards. But behind the...
Artist Robert Andrew set out to find the truth about his Aboriginal ancestry, but what he uncovered was a dark chapter of Australia's past.
With the new federal budget being announced next week, NITV News has asked the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples CEO, Gary Oliver, his views on the...
Several people, including members of the Stolen Generation, have gathered at the Sydney Opera House to launch commemorations for the 20th anniversary of the...
When the Noongar people took legal action against the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council and the WA Government, they perhaps didn’t envisage the...
A youth detainee-turned military man, Colin Rogan is using his experiences to start a business and steer young people in the right direction.
South Australia has taken the first steps towards a possible Treaty with its First Nations peoples, launching a State wide consultation process. The discussions...
A look at Terri Janke, providing a rare insight into the mind and motivation behind this amazingly successful woman in both her work and personal life, including...

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