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Policies & Publications


Read the SBS Disclaimer.


Read the SBS Copyright and Trade Marks Policy.

SBS Protocol: Acknowledgement of Country

An Acknowledgment of Country is a demonstration of respect dedicated to the Traditional Owners of the area where the gathering of participants is being conducted. This document includes recommended wording for SBS’s Sydney and Melbourne offices and the Canberra bureau.

The Greater Perspective

Protocol and Guidelines for the Production of Film and Television on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.

Living Diversity

In 2002, SBS commissioned research into trends in multicultural Australia. The groundbreaking report, involving extensive consultations across seven sample groups, showed a "dynamic, evolving society where diversity is embraced as the cultural mainstream of Australia".

Connecting Diversity

Connecting Diversity: Paradoxes of Multicultural Australia examines and analyses the views and experiences of younger Australians from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Advertising guidelines

The principles and policies SBS uses to guide decisions on advertising and sponsorship.

SBS Privacy Statement (Updated 9 March 2016)

This privacy policy applies to personal information collected by SBS in respect of which SBS, as an Australian government agency, must comply with Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Terms and Conditions

The SBS website network ("Network") is owned and operated by the Special Broadcasting Service Corporation ("SBS"). By using the Network, you agree to comply with the Terms of Use listed on this web page and elsewhere within the Network ("Terms of Use"). You also agree to comply with section 4 of the Terms of Use (“User Participation”) when you contribute to third party social media platforms where SBS has a branded presence (for example, when you post content to an SBS program-related Facebook page or to an SBS Twitter account). SBS may amend the Terms of Use from time to time without prior notice.

Senate Continuing Order No. 5

This Indexed List of File Titles is made available in accordance with Senate Continuing Order No. 5 (the Harradine Order).

SBS Codes of Practice 2014 (revised 2016)

The SBS Codes of Practice sets out the principles and policies SBS uses to guide its programming.

Annual Reports

View the SBS Annual Reports.

SBS Corporate Plan

The SBS Corporate Plan can be accessed here.

SBS’s User-Generated Content Guidelines

SBS’s User-Generated Content Guidelines set out SBS's policy in respect of user-generated content, including our moderation policies.

SBS-Ipsos Immigration Nation Research - Full Report

A comprehensive report of research into Australian attitudes towards immigration.

Freedom of Information (FOI) - Access Requests

SBS is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) under which every person has a right to obtain access to documents held by SBS other than exempt documents (and subject to certain other exceptions). SBS is exempt from the operation of the FOI Act in relation to its program material and datacasting content. This page sets out how you can make an FOI access request to SBS.