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Emotional eating: why we do it and how to manage it

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It's called "comfort food" for a reason; it's a common instinct for children and adults to self-soothe through food.

But why are some of us more likely to eat when upset? And where does the instinct come from?

A new study has explored how we learn to use food for reasons other than hunger from when we are young. 

The researchers, from Norway, followed 801 children from four years old until they were 10, asking their parents about how much the child ate when they were upset, worried or anxious and similarly whether they tended to give their child food to "make them feel better" when they were upset.

Finally, they looked at the temperament of the child and whether they were prone to anxiety, fear and anger and whether or not they were "easy" to soothe.

The researchers found that emotional eating is incredibly common with about 65 per cent of the children displaying "some" emotional eating.


They also found that children who experience more negative emotions are more prone to using food to self-soothe and their parents are more likely to try to use food to comfort them. 

Finally, they found that parents, when they saw their child was calmed through food were more inclined to rely on that strategy in future, perpetuating the food/comfort association in both parent and child and also increasing the likelihood of the child to reach for food in future times of distress.

"This study adds to existing research and suggests emotional feeding prospectively predicts emotional eating in middle childhood," the researchers said.

Psychologist Louise Adams says the research shouldn't be used to "blame" parents or make them feel bad. 

"Eating to soothe our emotions is pretty much a human thing to do," she says, "it's not pathological – it's human!"

"Emotionally eating 'works' to soothe emotional distress, at a chemical level. So it's a smart thing to do from a soothing perspective."

Rather than making anyone feel guilty – child or adult – about the inclination, it is an opportunity to better understand our behaviours.

It is, Adams says, a "chance to recognise that eating behaviour is something we learn from our caregivers" and, she adds, that parents with children of all shapes and sizes use food as comfort.

"We can help people to add to this repertoire of emotional soothing by a whole range of strategies, such as emotional self-care, self-soothing work, and by providing comfort in times of distress," she says. "But we need to add this to the valid choice of providing food to soothe, not take it away."

Adams also points to the link drawn between emotional eating and the risk of developing an eating disorder or weight problem later in life.

"To prevent eating disorders and 'obesity' the study researchers are saying we shouldn't teach kids to emotionally eat," Adams says. "In my opinion, prevention of eating disorders would be a whole lot easier if we worked to stop the obesity panic, fat phobia and thin obsession in our culture. 

"As for 'preventing obesity', this entire proposition is weight-biased. Fat people have always existed and will continue to exist, this is natural diversity. Populations are getting larger, and we're living longer and more healthier lives than ever before in human history. Rather than fighting to eradicate a body type, let's help support people of all shapes and sizes to look after themselves in healthy and sustainable ways."

Managing emotional eating as an adult

Chocolate when we're bored, ice cream when we're sad, fast food if we've had a tough day; emotional eating is not 'bad' nor uncommon, but sometimes it doesn't deal with the real problem and, if it gets out of control, can exacerbate it.

There are several strategies for managing emotional eating, says psychologist Jennifer Kromberg. 

Mindfulness: "Try to remain mindful of what and when you are eating. I know it can be tedious to focus completely on your eating, especially at first!  Try to start slowly and avoid self-judgment as you try out a new way of being."

Reward yourself: "Find other ways to reward and soothe yourself besides food (and other self-destructive behaviours.) Will these other ways be as effective at soothing you as food? Absolutely not!  The things you come up with will help somewhat,  But in order to truly give up emotional eating, you are also going to have to practise tolerating difficult feelings."

Learn to sit with different emotions: "Practise letting yourself experience difficult feelings. I know! Much easier said than done! I know you don't like feeling mad, sad, rejected, and bored. And people often ask me, 'What's the point in feeling mad? It doesn't change anything.' Well, it may not change the source of your anger, but it will prevent you from having to blunt your feelings with behaviours you'd like to stop – like eating."

Self-love: If all you feel is shame or disgust for yourself, it is unlikely that you will have the desire to treat your body with the care it deserves. Kromberg says there is no simple solution for developing self love, or at least self acceptance, but that help may be required to get there. "Many people tell me they will stop hating their body after they reach their goal weight. I say you have to stop hating your body before you can stop the emotional eating cycle."

Rest: When we're exhausted – or really hungry – we're more likely to overeat, so Kromberg says, prioritising sleep and regular small meals is a simple method that helps.