Sex Work 101 Talk - Decriminalise


This is the audio of a talk – Sex Work 101 - given by a member of the Workers Solidarity Movement after a WSM Dublin branch meeting in April 2017.

  • Talk begins – 0:50
  • Q&A – 15:00

A new Sexual Offences Bill was passed in the Republic of Ireland under the radar in spring 2017. First published in 2015, a seemingly unlikely alliance between religious conservatives and liberals under the 'Turn Off the Red Light' banner pushed for the criminalisation of the purchase of sexual services, also known as the 'Swedish Model', despite being practically unanimously opposed by actual sex workers.

Good Protester, Bad Protester - Don't Fall for Divide & Conquer


I'm not a bad protester, I promise. I'm a good protester. I'll be a good protester!

The farce that is the Jobstown [1] trial has mostly been a back and forth about what kind of protest is acceptable and right. Did the people of Jobstown keep Joan Burton and her assistant waiting for too long? Were they too foul mouthed? Too angry? Did they bang on the car too much? What about kids throwing water balloons? The infamous Jobstown brick? Maybe we should put them in prison then. At the heart of this argument is a very important notion: splitting people into 'Good Protesters' and 'Bad Protesters'. This article lays out exactly how that works, and how we should counter this divide and conquer tactic.

Yes Duplicity: Irish State, Give Queer Chechens Asylum Now


Will the Irish state offer asylum to queer men in Chechnya (and, in fact, all queer people there) who are enduring a state-lead campaign of terror and persecution of the gravest nature, or are queer people's lives another vote-catcher?

We described both what is happening in Chechnya and the Dublin counter-demo in detail here, as well as warning against these atrocities being seized upon for an anti-Muslim agenda.

#JobstownNotGuilty rally takes place on eve of 'adult trial'


The Saturday before the start of the show trial of the 7 adults accused of the 'false imprisonment' of then Labour Leader Joan Burton at Jobstown a solidarity rally took place in the centre of Dublin.

Anarchist Bloc on Dublin May 1st march 2017


Join the Workers Solidarity Movement's Anarchist Bloc this International Workers' Day in Dublin on Monday May 1st 2017. Assembly is at 2pm at Parnell Square and we will march down O'Connell Street to the Rally outside Liberty Hall on the quays.

Event date and time: 
Mon, 2017-05-01 14:00 - 15:00

Science day / March4Science in Dublin April 22nd - video of march


About 1000 people marched through Dublin this afternoon as part of the international day of action in defence of science. The March For Science is an international initiative to stand up for science and evidence in the face of an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery.

Don't give the maternity hospital to the nuns - Holles Street Protest! We own our hospitals.


Protests took place across Ireland Saturday 22nd April to protest the plan by Health Simon Harris to give the new maternity hospital, which will cost 300 million to build, to the same nuns who ran the Magdeline laundaries!  The Sisters of Charity ran the Drumcondra and Sean MacDermott Street laundaries where expectant and recent mothers were essentially imprisoned and required to provide free labour that the numns profited from.

Dublin Protests Chechnya's Queer Concentration Camps


On April 20th, a crowd gathered from 4-7pm outside the Russian Embassy in Rathgar, Dublin, to protest the recent campaign of violence against queer men in Chechnya and show solidarity with those under attack and all queer people across the planet (#chechnya100ireland). Gardaí reported that it was the largest ever protest outside the embassy.

Several placards included the (downwards) pink triangle, a reference to queer men being condemned to Nazi concentration camps. Others read ‘LGBT People Exist Everywhere’, ‘You Can’t Imprison My Sexuality’, and ‘Queer Solidarity Means Migrant Rights’. Demonstrations have also taken place in Amsterdam, Brussels, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Paris, and Vienna. The demo was called by a couple concerned queer women who decided something had to be done - a lesson to us that we don't need to wait for 'Someone Else', a tendency we all have in this passive society.

Yes Duplicity: Irish State, Give Queer Chechens Asylum Now


Angry picket of 100 outside rogue clinic on Dorset street


Over 100 people gathered outside Gianna Care, the rogue ‘pregnancy counselling’ clinic on Dorset Street, to express their anger and disgust after their bogus service was exposed by a journalist, who went undercover as a pregnant woman seeking advice for her crisis pregnancy.

Thousands march to oppose water charges on April 8th in Dublin - with video & photos


Thousands of protesters converged on Connolly and Heuston stations in Dublin yesterday as part of the 9th national demonstration against the water charges. The demonstration was called by Right2Water, the umbrella group of left wing political parties and trade unions, as part of an effort to pressurise the government to abandon their attempts to implement water charges.

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