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'He drinks too much': Canberra couple appears on Channel Nine's 'The Last Resort'

Bree Winchester

Published: May 7 2017 - 8:38PM

How bad does your relationship have to be before you go on television and air your dirty laundry in front of the entire nation?

"At a crisis point" according to Tuggeranong resident Sarah (last name withheld), who signed herself and boyfriend Keelan (last name also withheld) up for Channel Nine's The Last Resort late last year in a desperate attempt to save their relationship.

Sarah and Keelan, who met eight years ago while studying at Lanyon High School, are one of five couples on Nine's brand new reality series, which airs for the first time on Tuesday night.

As part of the show, couples spend a month in isolation at a resort in Fiji as part of a mission to "reignite their love". A psychologist and a relationship coach work closely with the couples, offering them guidance and support to help regain the passion in their relationships.

It's the ultimate in car crash television, including marital affairs, paternity tests, sexless marriages and in Sarah and Keelan's case, one partner who consistently chooses his friends over his girlfriend.

It was Keelan's constant drinking with his mates that forced Sarah to apply for the show.

"When the ad came on it just said 'is your relationship in crisis?' And I just thought 'yep' and ticked all the boxes," Sarah said.

"I jokingly said to Keelan 'this is what we need!' So I applied that night. He thought I was joking.

"We hadn't tried to get help to that point, Keelan had always refused to go to counselling or pay someone for help - he just wouldn't do it.

"We were on the verge of a break-up."

Sarah admits hers and Keelan's problems initially seem "tame" compared to those of other couples on the show.

Carl, from Sydney, cheated on his wife Lucy. Sharday, from the Gold Coast, lied to partner Josh about the paternity of their child and, as a result, Josh missed the birth of their daughter. Jodie and Stu, also from the Gold Coast, have slept together just three times in 18 months.

But Keelan's drinking is just the start of their issues, according to Sarah, and more and more secrets are revealed as the series progresses.

"I think because we don't have kids involved our problems didn't seem as bad," Sarah said.

"It was sad, it was upsetting to hear, sitting in that circle on the first night and hearing everyone else's issues."

The couple have mixed support from their families. Sarah said while Keelan's family "just wanted us to get help", her own mum had struggled with their decision to go on national television and talk about their problems.

"I told my mum and she was not happy, she was very hesitant and didn't want me to go through with it," she said.

"But we were going to break up and I didn't want that to happen."

Sarah said she will watch the first episode of The Last Resort alone on Tuesday night, and is nervous about seeing herself on television.

The Last Resort premieres on Channel Nine, Tuesday 9 May 2017 at 7.30pm.

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