

Pork Pie review: A New Zealand favourite goes on the road again

M, 105 minutes 

Pork Pie is a remake of Geoff Murphy's Goodbye Pork Pie, an old New Zealand favourite and the country's first box office hit.

Shot in 1979, long before New Zealand became home to the hobbit, it had a hyperactive pace and a simple formula. Starring a yellow Mini and its two feckless drivers, it was basically a prolonged car chase extending into farce as the fugitives' talent for making fools out of the authorities turn them into folk heroes. It was a concept that struck a chord with New Zealand audiences. Dull? How can we be when we can produce world-class larrikins like these two?

Now Pork Pie is back. Murphy's son, Matt, assisted by the sons, daughters, partners and grandchildren of the original production team, has put the story on the road again, having sharpened up its pace, updated its social milieu and done a little cosmetic work on the runaways.

Luke (James Rolleston) steals the car from a gang of thugs, rather than its rightful owner, and he slips easily into the role of romantic lead. His shambolic collaborator, Jon (Dean O'Gorman), is slightly harder to like. Failing to turn up at his own wedding is just the most recent of his lapses in judgment. But he's eager to make amends, so he cadges a lift with Luke in an effort to reach his girlfriend, Suzie (Antonia Prebble), who's gone home to Invercargill, having wisely sworn never to forgive him.

Luke's own love interest is Keira (Ashleigh Cummings), an animal rights activist on her way to a street protest in Wellington. Naturally, she doesn't get a chance to join her fellow demonstrators, but the march does provide Murphy with the opportunity to stage an action set-piece involving a confusion of fast cars plus a flying coffin.

Is it a story worth reinvigorating? This version certainly strikes me as being more fun than the vague memories I have of the original. As well as losing some of their rough edges, the fugitives display an engaging self-deprecation, and despite the many gaffes and blunders perpetrated by the chronically hysterical Jon, an easy-going camaraderie springs up between him and the self-contained Luke. And Cummings, who always looks as if she's up for anything, makes spirited work of the ever adaptable Keira

There are a couple of sentimental salutes to the original, including a smoothly executed stunt that involves the sliding of the Mini into the wagon of a goods train, and the lushness of the New Zealand landscape is proudly shown off en route. I can't say there's any more to it than colour, movement and an abundance of good humour but it's enough to persuade you to suspend disbelief when required –  which is much of the time.