

Game of Fans: Melbourne's Game of Thrones Convention

"Winter is coming." That's true for Melbourne at this time of year, and also for the fantasy land of Westeros. This ominous seasonal statement has hung over each season of the blockbuster TV series Game of Thrones since its first episode aired in 2011.

Though, of course, winter has finally arrived in Westeros, courtesy of the white raven which announced its coming in the concluding episode of season six.

We'll have to wait until July to see the next instalment in the power struggle for the Iron Throne and the threat of the demonic White Walkers. In the meantime, Melbourne's Game of Thrones devotees are staving off our own impending winter by attending a convention devoted to the series: ThronesCon.

Though Game of Thrones has been the subject of panels and star appearances at major events such as San Diego's annual Comic-Con, ThronesCon will be one of the first fan conventions anywhere to be devoted to the series.

What is it about Game of Thrones that justifies a dedicated convention?

"It's probably the most popular television show of the current age," explains event director Pete J. Smith. "It's been said we're living in the Golden Age of television right now. Game of Thrones season six had the largest premiere audience of any television show in Australian history, and we're coming up to the final two seasons right now – so the hype is starting to build.


"There's a lot of interest, there are a lot of fan theories about what's going on behind the scenes. With a series that usually has only 10 episodes – though the next season has just seven – people wait for so long that crazy rumours build. Who's still alive, who's written out, is this person related to that person, are these two going to get married, is this dragon going to turn into an ice dragon – we're about to find out."

An interesting aspect of Game of Thrones is that it didn't initially present as a fantasy series, but more as a period drama. This may have won over viewers who didn't think of themselves as interested in the sword-and-sorcery genre.

Smith agrees. "It just came across as a medieval story and then gradually added commonly known fantasy elements. As it developed it's become full-scale fantasy. I can't think of another fantasy series that's approached it with so much reality, that leads you down this path of believing 'this could actually have happened'. And the author of the original A Song of Ice and Fire novels, George R.R. Martin, has acknowledged there's a lot of historical references in the characters and settings."

Regardless of its smattering of magic and mythical creatures, a fundamental part of Game of Thrones' appeal remains its medieval-style setting, with knights and ladies, casual use of violence to achieve goals, and outdated gender roles.

In that aspect, the series is a continuation of all the legends – including those of King Arthur – that focus on a bygone age of chivalry and brutality. Why are we still so drawn to such a setting?

Gillian Polack, a Canberra-based educator, novelist and doctor in medieval studies, has an answer. "It's not the period, it's us," she says. "We need a past that's not real, so we often use a false Middle Ages. We allocate a bunch of our romantic ideals to that era, and so when we see a knight we think 'Middle Ages'. It isn't really the Middle Ages, it's this sense of 'We need romance, we need derring-do,' so we're flung into it.

"Think of what George R.R. Martin's done with Game of Thrones. It's not really a viable society that he's drawn. It's all the things we like to romance about, but don't want to live. It's very much an idea about a time in-between that can't actually happen."

Given this refurbishment of an era to serve our own storytelling purposes, and the fact that Martin relocated his kings and queens to a fantasy world for his novels, you might expect the TV series to have little intersection with historical fact. But that's not the case.

"There's a bunch of historical reality there in one way, and complete falsity in another. It's brilliant," says Polack. "If you think of Lannister as Lancaster you've got the York versus Lancaster stuff.

"You've also got bits of the 12th century civil war of King Stephen versus Matilda, when England came to a complete breakdown. The chroniclers called it 'When Christ and his saints slept' and it's very similar to the complete lack of capability you have in Game of Thrones, where everybody gets murdered, nobody's capable of farming, nothing works, and the law doesn't operate."

There is a limit to historical fidelity, however, and Polack often notices inconsistencies that serve entertainment more than accuracy.

"Take furs. People need furs in Game of Thrones for two reasons – one is to show off how amazing they are, the second is for warmth. In a lot of medieval pictures we see furs. For showing off you had borders of furs and patterns of furs.

"For warmth, however, the fur was not on the outside. It was a fur lining, and you can see that in a lot of pictures. But the series instead has Jon Snow with his beautiful smart black fur being rained on, being snowed on, being fought on, and nothing ever goes wrong with it."

An aspect of the show that's come in for criticism is its attitude towards women, with female characters being depicted as victims of violence and sexual abuse.

Though season six ends with women in charge of several of the warring kingdoms – Cersei is crowned Queen in King's Landing, women have seized power in Dorne, Daenerys is en route to Westeros with a mighty invasion force – Polack thinks these criticisms carry weight.

"His only powerful female characters remain powerful, but nasty and stupid with their nastiness – Cersei Lannister is the perfect example. She seldom does anything sensible. She's clever but she's not wise, and yet she's the most powerful woman in the books.

"One thing about Martin, however, is that he listens to a lot of people. So I've been watching for change, and he's definitely changed the way he has narrated the stories of women in Game of Thrones over time. And we won't know the balance, or whether that's a good change or a bad change, until the story ends."

Clearly there'll be plenty to discuss at ThronesCon, whether attendees are fans of the books or the TV series or both. There will also be cosplay (costume) events in which attendees dress as their favourite characters, and a merchandise hall selling goods related to the saga.

"We're going to have a replica of the Iron Throne which people can have photographs taken on," says Smith. "It's a 600kg handmade replica – very difficult to move! It looks intimidating."

Beyond these aspects, the focus will be on the actors attending as special guests.

ThronesCon has signed up four actors who appeared in Game of Thrones, each in supporting but memorable roles: Miltos Yerolemou, who played Syrio Forel, who taught the young Arya Stark to swordfight; Ian Beattie (Ser Meryn Trant in the series); Eugene Simon (Lancel Lannister); and Dominic Carter (Lord Janos Slynt).

"We're going to have a lot of panels where our celebrity guests will be up on stage, talking about their involvement in the series and how their character impacted on its storylines," says Smith. "Syrio Forel, for example, was only in about three or four episodes, but the lasting effect he had on Arya and putting her on her path was astronomical."

Through curious coincidence, all four characters played by the convention's guest stars played a part in the evolution of Arya Stark (played by Maisie Williams), the youngest daughter of Lord Eddard Stark, who was executed by the Lannisters in season one.

One character whose final encounter with Arya was a fatal one was Ser Meryn Trant, killed by her in a Braavos brothel as she crossed off another name on her oft-recited revenge list.

"My last few episodes weren't much fun, because when I finally discovered the private side of the character I was genuinely horrified," says actor Ian Beattie, speaking from his Belfast home. "I read the scripts months before we filmed the scenes, with the result that there wasn't an hour of any day that went by that I wasn't thinking 'How in the name of goodness am I going to pull those two scenes off?'"

Though it signalled his exit from Game of Thrones, Beattie remembers the scene as his finest moment on the series.

"It really was one of my proudest days in front of the camera. It was just Maisie and me, and I later found out that Ser Meryn's death was the most expensive one they'd had to film, probably because it took all day. It was a very, very long day. But it was a spectacular gift the boys gave me, that exit."

Beattie had sensed from the beginning that he was working on something special, though he was surprised by how big it became.

"Everybody involved with it knew it was pretty good. But as the seasons went on, the budgets increased and the viewing figures increased, it developed something that money can't buy. That was a friend turning to another friend and saying, 'You've got to watch this show.' By season four, season five, if you weren't watching Game of Thrones there was something wrong with you. It certainly snowballed beyond what anybody expected."

Though diehard fans of genre TV series have inherited a stigma of being socially maladjusted nerds, Beattie is having none of it.

"I think the fans are a pretty intelligent bunch. Game of Thrones makes you work hard, you have to pay very close attention to it. Something you can see in season three may only make sense in season six, and that's the genius of the storytelling.

"I think the fans really do appreciate that. They're very well read. They have a loyalty to the show because the show's so good."

Smith agrees with the shift in popularity of fantasy and science fiction. "I think geeky has become cool. It's become pop culture, it's become mainstream. If you're not into something geeky, then you're kind of the odd one out now."

Aside from an autograph or a selfie with an actor, what does he hope attendees take away from the convention?

"For me, what it's about is engaging people, getting them thinking about what Game of Thrones is actually trying to say. I hope people leave having learned something, maybe about themselves."

ThronesCon will take place on May 20 and 21, 2017, at the Melbourne Showgrounds, see thronescon.com.