How to Get a Job Working in Sport

If you’re reading this we can presume you love sport. We can also presume you’re keen on a career that you’re actually going to enjoy. Aaaand you’re smart enough to have realised that yes, you can combine your passion with a salary for maximum lifestyle enjoyment. Good on you.... Read more

Will I Earn More With a Masters Degree?

Ahh, this old chestnut. The dilemma is real. Completing your Master’s def comes with a certain level of respect and prestige. You get to add the word “Master’s” every time you reference your education while speaking or on paper; it proves you weren’t part of the “Ps get... Read more

Most Prestigious Job Placements

So it’s prestige you’re looking for, is it? Perhaps you enjoy being respected, or you like being in charge. Maybe you’re a sucker for admiration, or social status is important to you. It’s cool if it is. Maybe you just want a job where you get to take credit for the awesome... Read more

Highest Paid Jobs in Tourism

Are you super friendly and outgoing? Do you have a penchant for travel? Like helping people? If you answered yes to all 3 you should definitely consider a job in the tourism industry! Think of it like this - in the tourism industry, your job is to make people happy. Sounds pretty cool,... Read more

Jobs in the Outback

Do you love a sunburnt country? A land of sweeping plains? Are you ready to put up with the droughts and flooding rains? Ok, so we just took those lines straight from Dorothea Mackellar, but she had it pretty spot on with her “My Country” poem. For those of you not familiar with it,... Read more

University Degrees By Correspondence: The Verdict

It’s a tough choice. Actually attending uni comes with plenty of benefits. Namely, you’re way more motivated to do the work because you are physically engaged in the learning environment. No one wants to be the person who never does the reading before class - so, you do the readings... Read more

Can Studying Abroad Be Good For Your Career?

Everyone knows it. Study abroad rocks. It’s probably one of the best things you can do while at uni. So...there are some obvious benefits... ● You get to travel. Everyone loves travel. It’s fun and exciting and different. If you don’t know if you’ll love travel because you... Read more