Better planning leads to better fishing

Traffic planning could be enhanced through greater use of data.
Traffic planning could be enhanced through greater use of data. Paul Rovere PTR
by Mark Eggleton

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with Australia Post 

There are numerous metaphors to describe the importance of data as a resource in the digital world such as "data is soil" or "data is the new oil" but for the Chief Information Officer at Victoria's Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Alex Jones, his personal favourite is "all the data in the world is in the ocean but the value is in the fish."

"You have to know how to fish," Jones recently told The Australian Financial Review.

For Jones, everyone knows the data is out there but finding the right data to use requires a more strategic view. Particularly so when you take into account the size of Jones' still relatively new department. Born out of the Victorian government's desire to create the (sometimes maligned idea) of super departments, it is one which brings together many of the key functions that drive economic development and job creation across the state including transport and ports, investment attraction and facilitation, trade, innovation, regional development and small business.

It also provides key services to sectors such as agriculture, the creative industries, resources and tourism and is overseen on the government side by eight ministers.

Oddly enough it is the role of data which makes the sheer size of the department seem quite logical. Reason being is a better understanding of data can provide the government with an insight into how different departments are intricately interwoven. It is quite simple really – just think how a decision on roads or transport can affect business or jobs growth in a particular industry or geographical area.

On a winner

As Jones states "the wealth of data available has the potential to create great value for the citizens of Victoria".

Interestingly, it is not the detailed data about private citizens where a lot of the value lies but the larger insights data provides which can provide enormous benefits to the government and citizenry.

"There are just so many possibilities we're not aware of yet. For example, we can look deeply into VicRoads data on traffic and accidents and combine that with data on business and population movement and even rainfall to assist in deeper planning in the future.

"The potential is enormous," Jones says.

He suggests there is a type of Moore's Law of data in play and government is only really interested in a part of the data being generated.

"Government is by no means the greatest player on the data front; there's far more collected independently of government."

The great boon for government is just how data can be used to plan for better infrastructure and services.

Inside Jones' department he says there is a real desire to get the most out of technology.

Innovative thinking

"Everybody is leading the charge and the focus at the moment is to move away from old-school thinking and technologies. We have brought three large departments together and while the Victorian government's IT strategy is to have more common processes across government we are lots of different departments with different technological needs. Our aim is to get the best out of technology."

What this means is Jones has not prescribed a one-size-fits-all IT solution on the department. The linkages across the department come in the cloud and getting the core back-office infrastructure right whereas the "sexy frontline stuff is decided at the coalface".

"We're not a single operation department so my role as CIO is to facilitate and empower the people within the organisation to invest where they think is needed. It's about giving departments more autonomy and letting them find the solutions they need. For example, some departments such as VicRoads might need to create more mobile solutions for their field workers so it's about letting them find the best technology solution."

According to Jones the process of digitising government services is just about getting the best out of technology.

"Technology is just a tool and it's up to us to get the value out of it. People want to and expect to interact with the government digitally so it's up to us to ensure we provide that value and work together to make Victoria economically stronger."