Accolade out of the box for Qirx

IT company Qirx has recently signed a range of deals with various countries, including Switzerland.
IT company Qirx has recently signed a range of deals with various countries, including Switzerland. iStock
by Hugh Arnold

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with Westpac

 Success for cloud and IT services star Qirx has come from the bottom up.

When asked about being named one of the Businesses of Tomorrow for 2017, Qirx chief Dennis Stevens' first response is to point to his fellow workers and the efforts they have made.

"Much of the culture with Qirx has grown itself," he says of the firm, which he founded in the ACT in 2000. 

"It's been a case of meeting the right people and working out how to make them fit into the organisation; basically meet the right people and find a role for them – rather than having a role and then trying to find the right people.

"A bit upside down I know but it has worked really, really well for us.  Twelve people are our only staff turnover in 17 years.  I think over a third of our staff are either currently eligible for long service leave or will be within the next six to seven months.

"We are trying to create a team of people that work really well together. This award is not a reward for what I've done personally, but for what the whole team's done.

"One of the things I learnt early on is give people responsibility for doing something and the authority to make it happen.  And be prepared for them to make a mistake or two, but be there to help them along.  And let them grow into their role."

For an executive whose hours and days are consumed by ICT matters, his business outlook is strongly people-oriented.

Deep-rooted partnerships

The reason he gives for his business success is simple and direct: "Caring about our customers. What we try and do is work closely with our customers to get the best outcome for them.  And that in turn means when they want something done they'll come back to us – and they do."

Qirx has developed deep-rooted partnership arrangements – the most enduring and successful is the firm's relationship with VMware, a virtualisation and cloud computing software platform.

"We'd actually used VM products as early as 2000, and in 2006 we became a VMware partner and by 2011 we worked our way through until we became one of their premier partners," Stevens says.

"In about 2009 we had a situation where we had a number of our customers come to us and say, 'we want to buy a solution, not just services.'  And at the same time we had Trend Micro and Extreme Networks literally over about a six-week period knock on the door and say 'we'd like you to be a partner in this space'."  And that was the start of becoming a solution provider. 

"We've invested heavily in the technology partners that we have. We do a lot of training, with our engineering and sales teams to get the highest-level partnership we can achieve with each of the technology vendors. We're also an elite partner for Nutanic and we're at the top level with all the other vendors we work with."

Stevens proudly describes how Qirx in a Box is one of the three pillars of the company. An infrastructure solutions package which helps organisations deliver their own cloud, Qirx in a Box is now available in 53 countries.

"Just after Christmas we ended up getting Middle East, Africa and Turkey, and since then Western Europe and Switzerland."