3D prosthesis pioneer a man of many parts

Anatomics is involved in customised implants, tissue engineering, surgical, electrosurgical and neuromonitoring tools, ...
Anatomics is involved in customised implants, tissue engineering, surgical, electrosurgical and neuromonitoring tools, and the software and hardware needed to design and manufacture implants. Supplied
by James Sherbon

This content is produced by The Australian Financial Review in commercial partnership with Westpac

Neurosurgery is a demanding profession, and its practitioners need to unwind.

Paul d'Urso admits this, but not many of his peers unwind like he does: running medical technology company Anatomics, which has developed state-of-the-art, patient-specific implants and prostheses, as well as software that facilitates their design and 3D-printing.

D'Urso estimates that he works 50 hours a week as a neurosurgeon and 50 hours a week running Anatomics, six days a week.

"I believe in what I'm doing. I've always thought that it's part of my job as a doctor to make things better for my patients," he says.

"What gives me the inspiration is that I can use this technology daily in my practice, and I get to see the benefit this gives my patients. So I see everything I do as part of one job – to make things better for people with a problem."

Anatomics began in the early 1990s, when d'Urso was working as a surgical registrar in the Queensland public hospital system. He encountered two new technologies that struck him as having the potential to be combined.

"In 1991 I saw a stereolithography machine, which was really one of the first 3D printers. There were only two of them in the country at the time. Around the same time, 3D medical imaging was taking off. I wondered if you could connect up 3D printing and 3D imaging technology to print out models of organs or bones."

$1200 grant to investigate

The hospital where d'Urso was working gave him a $1200 grant to investigate. The Queensland government also provided some assistance. D'Urso thought the idea had legs, and enrolled in a PhD program to research potential  applications for the technology.

It showed him that many of the uses were neurosurgical, so he decided to train as a neurosurgeon.

He worked with radiologists, IT professionals and neurosurgeons, initially to develop an algorithm that could collect data from a CAT scan and convert it to enable instruction of a 3D printer.

A big breakthrough came in 1993, when Anatomics put the first cranial reconstructive implant from a 3D printer into a patient.

The company worked with Lady Cilento Hospital in Brisbane to help children with severe facial deformities from Fiji and Vanuatu, making custom models to assist in the reconstruction of their skulls.

On the radar

Anatomics printed the custom models that allowed the separation of conjoined twins' skulls.

"We got on to the radar of craniofacial surgeons, and more people started to request our implants," he says.

"We're now involved in customised implants, tissue engineering, surgical, electrosurgical and neuromonitoring tools, and the software and hardware that surgeons need to design and manufacture implants."

The technology allows personalised healthcare and distributed manufacturing anywhere in the world.

"That's the future of the architecture of the healthcare system," he says.

AnatomicsRx software allows surgeons to interact with biomedical engineers in real time, to create patient-specific solutions.

Penny is dropping

The pharmaceutical equivalent is bio-printing, and the personalised 3D printing of medication.

"The factory can be in the hospital pharmacy, and we can take your data [and] design a therapy that suits you, which can be manufactured at the point of use," he says.

Being named a Westpac Business of Tomorrow is a "huge boost to morale", says d'Urso.

"It has been a tough slog, but we as a team believe that the penny is finally dropping: the skyrocketing cost of healthcare means that there needs to be a new paradigm; the technology now allows us to build one; and we have it.

"We really feel like we're on the cusp of major change, and it's just a wonderful shot in the arm to gain this sort of recognition that we're on the right track," he adds.