Budget 2017: Scott Morrison's plan to tax, spend and build to win back trust

Budget 2017: Find out where the money is going

Major banks and workers will bear the brunt of a $21 billion tax hike over the next four years to fund a budget that jettisons billions in politically damaging spending cuts, spends big on health, infrastructure and schools, and delivers a small surplus of $7.4 billion by 2020-21.

In an overtly political budget that Malcolm Turnbull and Scott Morrison hope will revive their fortunes, the government has hit the big banks with a $6.2 billion tax and increased the Medicare levy, which is added to the income tax of all but the lowest paid, from 2 per cent to 2.5 per cent. Ratings agency Moody's Investors Services said there would be no change to the AAA credit rating.

The Medicare levy increase begins on July 1, 2019, after the next federal election and will raise $8.2 billion in its first two years, which will be quarantined to fully fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme as well as Medicare.

Medicare will now be funded from a newly legislated Medicare Guarantee Fund, which will also be seeded by a quarantined portion of income tax. This fund, as well as a decision to reverse $2.2 billion in Medicare and bulk-billing cuts made in recent years, torpedoes one of Labor's core attack lines by poaching its key policy promises.

Scott Morrison has handed down his second budget.
Scott Morrison has handed down his second budget. David Rowe

More than 92,000 pensioners who lost their concession cards when changes to the age-pension assets test saw them lose their pension, will get those cards back, even though they no longer receive any pension.

The biggest losers from the budget are the big four banks, plus Macquarie.

In a series of measures that has infuriated the sector but made it much harder for Labor and the Greens to keep demanding a royal commission, the five banks will be slugged a Major Bank Levy, which will raise $6.2 billion over the next four years and be used for budget repair. This levy will not apply to mortgages or protected deposit accounts of $250,000 and less, and amounts to almost 5 per cent of the banks' annual net profits.

Bank executives will be subject to a new accountability regime in which the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will have the power to sack or disqualify them, claw back their bonuses and enforce penalties on banks of up to $200 million. There will also be a comprehensive Productivity Commission review of banking competition, which will run for a year and the government, as promised, has established a new single dispute resolution authority for the banking and superannuation sector, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

Mr Morrison warned the banks against trying the pass the tax on to their customers, saying they had no right to do so because it did not apply to mortgages or deposit accounts.

Les Hewitt, Budget papers

"If they do, take your money somewhere else, take your money to a regional or smaller bank," he said, adding that the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission would be watching.

The Medicare levy increase and the new bank tax will raise three quarters of the extra $20.7 billion in taxed to be levied over the four years to 2020-21.

These will just cover the decision to jettison after three years $13.5 billion in welfare and higher education cuts, so-called zombie savings that have been lingering since the 2014 and 2015 budgets that the Senate refuses to pass.

"This is basically a Senate tax for things not going through," said Mr Morrison.

Les Hewitt, Budget papers

He said he would have preferred to fund the NDIS and its 10-year, $56 billion funding shortfall with the spending cuts rather than income tax increase, which he called "an insurance levy for all Australians".

Mr Morrison also conceded the government could no longer keep the zombie savings in the budget because the ratings agencies no longer believed the savings.

"This is an honest document, it has drawn a line and reset what we believe can be credibly maintained on the books," he said.

Moody's associate managing director Marie Diron was satisfied, saying it was a "budget of continuity".

Budget papers

"The government is reasserting their commitment to fiscal consolidation which is positive. That supports our assessment that fiscal strength for Australia is very high and that in turn supports the AAA rating that we have on the sovereign."

The budget forecasts a deficit of $28.7 billion in 2017-18 closing to a $7.4 billion balance in 2020-21. It also predicts a bounce back in wages growth, climbing to 3 per cent in 2017-18 and increasing each year after that.

The net improvement to the budget bottom line over four years from the new decisions in the budget is $6.4 billion. Net debt is forecast to peak in 2017-18 at 19.8 per cent of the economy but gross debt will continue to blow out, reaching $540 billion in 2017-18 and $725 billion by 2027-28.

This is in part fuelled by the government borrowing $25 billion in so called "good debt" for infrastructure. In measures that will be kept off the books because they are a cash-for-asset transaction, the government will borrow $5.3 billion to build the Badgerys Creek airport in Western Sydney, $8.4 billion for the Melbourne-to-Brisbane inland rail line, and another $10 billion for a program to fund priority regional and urban rail developments.

Despite the government bagging Labor for its plans to cut negative gearing and capital gains tax exemptions for housing investors, it has given these a trim, saving almost $1.5 billion in changes that, unlike Labor's policies, will apply retrospectively. From budget night, negative gearers will no longer be able to deduct expenses for plant and equipment, or travel costs, while foreigners and temporary residents will lose their 50 per cent CGT concession.

Small businesses will benefit with an extension of 12 months to the program, which allows them to immediately deduct up to $20,000 in expenses. This will cost the budget $650 million.

But businesses that employ temporary foreign labour will be slugged a hefty new tax under the visa scheme, which will replace the dumped 457 visa program.

In what is the third-highest revenue-raising measure in the budget, businesss will pay between $1200 and $1800 a year for employing a foreign worker and between $3000 and $5000 for those on a permanent skilled visa. The fees are budgeted to raise $1.5 billion, which will be used to establish a fund that the states can use to train apprentices. The states, however, will have to match the funding.

On housing affordability, there will be small accounts within a person's superannuation account that will offer concessional tax treatment to raise a deposit. However, contributions will be capped at $15,000 a year and the fund cap will be only $30,000.

The government plans to also raise almost $1 billion by cracking down on the black economy, including GST avoidance. Mr Morrison said that would generate an extra $5 billion in GST revenue for the states over the next four years, which may be enough to give extra to Western Australia while not disadvantaging any other state.

Despite being gazumped on many of its policies, Labor slammed the budget for being committed to the remainder of the company tax cuts and removing, as scheduled, the 2 percentage point deficit levy imposed on high income earners in 2014.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said the budget showed Labor had led the policy debate but added the government lacked "the commitment and values" to protect Medicare. It said the rebate freeze should be removed immediately, not phased out over three years.

But he said Labor would pass the bank tax, even though it had been attacked by the Coalition for proposing a smaller tax when in government.

"We won't stand in the way of it," he said.

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott said while she had concerns about the bank tax and the overall reliance on revenue, she accepted it was a political budget and welcomed the fiscal consolidation.

 "It's reality world," she said.

Australian Conservatives senator Cory Bernardi slammed the tax rises saying the government was unable to live within its means.

Mr Morrison wants the budget to be seen as fair while at the same time creating opportunity. He forecast an end to flat wages.

"It's been a fair while since most hard-working Australians have had a decent pay rise," he said.

"I know this has put real pressure on Australians and their families. Terribly this has meant some families have even broken apart.

"I believe, though, that we are now moving towards the end of this difficult period."
