The Zen of ocean swimming has MD David Johnston hooked

David Johnston focuses on making each stroke smoother, and each breath more relaxed, helping him glide through the water.
David Johnston focuses on making each stroke smoother, and each breath more relaxed, helping him glide through the water.

Weleda Australia managing director David Johnston regularly swims behind the waves at Palm Beach on Sydney's northern beaches, where the water is often smooth and crystal clear and there might be a small stingray "smiling" up at you. He answers our Time Out Q&A.;

Why swimming and how did you get into it?

Initially, I started swimming because it was a great way to improve lower-back issues. Now I swim for the pure joy of it.

Pool or ocean

Ocean whenever possible, and year-round. The ocean has an energy that pools just don't seem to have.

How often do you train?

I don't train. I just swim. To me, it is more about the joy of swimming in the ocean than achieving specific goals. It keeps me fit and feels great. I deal with thoughts and just breathe them away so I can be relaxed and find a rhythm.

What distance do you usually swim?

About one kilometre every day. Depends on how much time I've got and if I'm doing other exercise like walking, yoga or qigong.

Wetsuit in winter or are you hardcore?

I wear a wetsuit for about three months of the year. In the cold months, there is nothing as delightful as tipping a couple of bottles of hot water over yourself when you come out. It stops the cold getting into your bones and you feel snug afterwards. Pre-swim, I always warm up with some stretching, a little yoga and/or qigong and rub a little arnica cream onto the stiff muscles. Plus I rub on a little more after.

Do you race?

I'm not really into racing. There are too many people and, for me, it is more about the Zen of swimming. Each stroke can be smoother, each breath more relaxed, and somehow you reduce the drag of your body through the water. Only other people who swim or do other repetitive activities understand the buzz you can get from having a subtle adjustment work, and the feeling of gliding, just being in the moment and observing.

Favourite stroke

I generally swim freestyle and do a double-arm backstroke for the last 50 metres to wind the arms the other way and even the breathing.

What do you think about when you're swimming?

I try not to think about things other than my breath and getting into rhythm. I just try to experience the moment. However, thoughts come and go and sometimes they can be scary, like when the water is murky and you can't see anything and shadows seem to be everywhere. Then I wonder if I may be mistaken for a seal or something and end up as a shark's breakfast.

Favourite swim

My regular swim is off the pool at Palm Beach (on Sydney's northern beaches). You are out behind the waves and generally beyond the crowds. In winter, it is sublime. Generally, offshore the water is smooth and crystal clear. On small swell days, you can see the ripples in the sand below and as you turn your head infinite shades of blue stretch in both directions – looking towards the shallows and the open sea. Often, there will be a small stingray looking up at you with what looks like a smiling face, and sometimes there are bigger ones.

Ever been frightened or in trouble in the water?

Every ocean swim brings challenges and potential dangers. All you can do is even up your breathing and keep going. For the past 15 years, I've made it back in one piece. You can't control the thoughts that come up saying, "Stay in bed. Why bother? It's cold out there and things might want to eat you."

Do you swim on your own?

I often swim with my good friend Andrew. I figure he would be tastier than me, so it somehow feels safer.

Tips to become a better swimmer

Try to be smooth, creating minimum drag as you glide through the water. Relax the shoulders, use full strokes pushing the hand forward and bringing it back so it touches the side of your knee in the swing – and breathe and enjoy.

Tell us about your most memorable swimming experience

When we were on a Greek island a few years ago, it was delightful knowing it was very unlikely that there was anything for many miles that might want to eat me. It also helped that the water was so clear and beautiful.

Gripes about swimming

It is not always easy to get up and go for a swim early in the morning.