Donate to help avert a famine in Somalia

Across Somalia, some 2.9 million people urgently need food and livelihoods assistance resulting from severe drought. In the worst affected areas, crops have been wiped out and livestock have died, while communities have been forced to sell assets and borrow food and money to survive. #avertSomaliafamine

Succeeding to get a job through a merit-based system

The failure to secure a job, Ifrah believes, was not her fault but long standing cultural and institutional barriers that limit women’s ability to explore the labour market beyond the traditional housework. She has not given up hope. In her quest to succeed in this journey, she joined the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation as a volunteer and worked for the Director General Office.

Safiyo Jama, law student in Puntland: "At 60 my dream is valid"

Safiyo Jama Gayre, 60, is a student at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Puntland State University in Garowe, Somalia. In the monthly meeting of the law students, Safiyo opens every session with a prayer because it’s a tradition in Somalia that the oldest person opens gatherings. This session’s prayer is her last with this group of students as she is graduating this year.

Baahi-Koob Centre to help women rape victims in Hargeisa

Since 2010 UN Somalia Joint Rule of Law project has been supporting Baahi-Koob, a free comprehensive one stop care center, located in Hargeisa city. Baahi-Koob, a Somali phrase which translates to ‘covering all needs’ has become well recognized for providing essential, services to victims of Sexual and gender based violence in and around Hargeisa city. Specifically, the Centre has been providing post rape care services such as psychosocial counselling for survivors and their families, forensic examination, evidence collection and specimen analysis, pregnancy prevention (emergency contraception), STI prevention and HIV prevention (using post exposure prophylaxis within 72 hours after incident) as well preparing victim to take case through the the criminal justice system .

Strengthening law makers' capacity in Galmudug

UNDP Parliamentary Support Project had been supporting Somali National Federal, Somaliland and Puntland parliaments to function as inclusive, transparent and effective law-making bodies which engage in national dialogue on policy priorities, peace-building across a divided political spectrum and state-building as...

Inclusive civil society engagement into national development

Somali Civil Society, in collaboration with the Aid Coordination Unit at the Office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation and UNDP through its Strengthening Institutional Performance Project organized a civil society engagement workshop in Mogadishu on 12-13 March 2016. This...

In Puntland, water dams to help build community resilience to climate events

Dry seasons and water shortages have been a constant problem in the Puntland region of Somalia. Scarcity of water and the lack of rain restricts pastoralists who struggle to provide bare necessity to their livestock, which is their source of livelihood. Paying to use With UNDP’s Environment and Energy Project...

Model police station and community policing centre opens in Gardo

Yesterday marked the official opening of the model police station and community policing center in Gardo. Supported by UNDP’s Rule of Law project, the model police station was a reconstruction and add on from the previous station that was built in 1932. Both centers are running completely on solar energy. In...

Mogadishu - Fruitful consultations on draft Political Parties Law

A three-day Consultative Process on Somalia’s Draft Political Parties Law concluded in Mogadishu on Monday 23 November 2015. At least 200 delegates attended the consultative meeting. Participants included representatives of political parties, federal and regional administrations and the civil society. “The draft...