
How does UNDP do business

UNDP mandates the rational use of resources throughout UNDP offices while responding effectively to the needs of Programmes and Operations by ensuring the timely availability of high quality goods and services when and where they are needed.  UNDP must approach the market through its extensive network of procurement practitioners, who are expected to acquire goods and services from the best source available according to these policies and procedures.

UNDP staff must also exercise sound judgment while taking into consideration the costs and benefits to the Organization.  Because UNDP funds are entrusted to it by the public at large, it is imperative that all transactions committing UNDP are carried out based on the highest degree of public trust and at impeccable standards.  Regardless of the purpose and funding sources, procurement actions must always be subject to the following general procurement principles:

a)    Best value for money
b)    Fairness, integrity and transparency

c)    Effective international competition

d)    Best interests of UNDP

Business Units can use a variety of procurement methods for the solicitation and tendering of goods, civil works and/or services. The method selected depends upon a number of factors including the type of good or service being procured as well as its value.

The overall objective of the solicitation and tendering processes is to procure high quality goods, civil works or services as economically as possible. For UNDP, this objective is best achieved through the transparent use of public funds and effective competition, which affects the choice of procurement method and the documentation and procedures that are used. The procurement methods used include:
1.    Request for Quotation (RFQ)

2.    Invitation to Bid (ITB)

3.    Request for Proposals (RFP)

In some cases, exceptions to competition can be made and direct contracting used. This usually happens when a Long Term Agreement (LTA) is in place, either globally or locally (at the country level).  For values less than US$ 2,500, UNDP Gambia may engage by soliciting price assessments.

Procurement notices