UNDP and GSMA partner on mobile technology for global development goals

Apr 27, 2017

UNDP and the GSMA will consider new business models and mechanisms to support the implementation of the SDGs, and engage governments and mobile industry leaders to increase the social impact of mobile technologies.

Abidjan, 27 April 2017The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the GSMA are joining forces to harness the power of mobile technology to accelerate implementation of the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs, otherwise known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. World leaders committed to achieve the 17 Goals by the year 2030.

Under the partnership, UNDP and the GSMA will consider new business models and mechanisms to support the implementation of the SDGs, and engage governments and mobile industry leaders to increase the social impact that mobile technologies can deliver.

“UNDP is pleased to partner with the GSMA in bringing governments and mobile industry leaders together to increase the social impact of mobile technologies,” said UNDP Director of External Relations Michael O’Neill at the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) in February. “Strong partnerships with the private sector, governments and development actors are key to achieving inclusive and sustainable development results.” (Follow the link to watch the full statement.)

The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators and 300 companies across the broader mobile ecosystem. The GSMA and the mobile industry established bold leadership as the first industry to commit to the SDGs in 2016.  

“Millions are connected in West Africa and mobile technology is opportunity to foster financial inclusion, better the living conditions and help reach the SDGs” said El Allassane Baguia, Economist with UNDP in Côte d’Ivoire.

Mobile technology is already making an impact on the SDGs. For example, with access to mobile technology, farmers can receive climate services information to know which crops to plant and when, and pricing information before they take their produce to market. Health care workers can provide medical consultations by phone to quicken response and provide care to people in remote areas. Emergency responders can use mobile technology to manage responses to natural and man-made disasters.

“The private sector has a key role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” said John Giusti, Chief Regulatory Officer, GSMA. “Mobile technology makes major contributions to each of the 17 Goals and our industry is focused on accelerating and amplifying mobile’s impact on the SDGs, connecting everyone and everything to a better future.”

Contact information

In Abidjan: Youssouf Diarra, Communications Specialist, youssouf.diarra@undp.org, +225 08 92 48 51
In New York: Lucy Wanjiru, Partnerships Specialist,
lucy.wanjiru@undp.org, +1 646 781 4370