Passive storm a wake-up call to investors

Simon Letch

It's one of the biggest storms to hit markets in years. The passive investment hurricane is ripping its way through sharemarkets, sweeping aside poor performing active funds and sucking up billions of dollars of savings.

While passive funds use computer programs to select investments, active funds rely on highly paid stockpickers to ferret out securities that are expected to perform better than the market. 

Last month BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager with more than $US5 trillion under management, fired several prominent stockpickers amid plans to switch funds to passive strategies. The revamp will move $US8 billion of the $US201 billion run by traditional managers into cheaper offerings in what chief executive Larry Fink describes as a "pivot" away from areas of active management that have fallen out of favour.

In Australia, following a $17 billion win from AMP Capital, passive strategies will account for 40 per cent of the assets managed in Australia by UBS Asset Management. And on Friday star fund manager Kerr Neilson's Platinum Asset Management bowed to pressure and reduced it's management fees.

Meanwhile, in his most recent annual letter Warren Buffett, the world's most famous investor, estimated that savers had wasted more than $US100 billion on Wall Street fund managers over the past 10 years and recommended that "both large and small investors should stick with low-cost index funds." 

Australian actively-managed funds that have outperformed their benchmark
Australian actively-managed funds that have outperformed their benchmark

It appears they have. Last year in the US passive funds attracted a record $US237 billion of savings, while their active counterparts saw $264 billion flow out the door, worse even than the $208 billion in outflows during the height of the financial crisis in 2008.

Indeed the performance of active fund managers last year offered no resistance to the passive storm. In Australia there were 700 funds that couldn't match the close to 12 per cent return generated by the S&P; ASX 200 benchmark. On average they returned 9.2 per cent. Several active funds have closed or been reduced to a shadow of their former selves after clients withdrew money.

The questions for investors are: can or will the passive storm be reversed and which style makes better sense, particularly in an environment characterised by low returns? 

The answer depends on who you ask.

Tim Murphy, director of manager research for Asia Pacific at Morningstar, believes the shift towards passive management is partly cyclical and partly structural. It is cyclical in the sense that active managers have been caught holding the dogs, but markets will move and the dogs may well turn into darlings. Fixed income managers have long positioned themselves for a rise in bond yields – which only happened late last year. Most Australian equity fund managers have been underweight resources stocks, which took off in 2016. If interest rates rise and commodity prices fall, the performance of these funds should improve, perhaps dramatically. 

"Both large and small investors should stick with low-cost index funds"":  Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett.
"Both large and small investors should stick with low-cost index funds"": Berkshire Hathaway chairman Warren Buffett. Andrew Harnik

That said, the demand for low cost funds is not going anywhere thanks to greater regulatory scrutiny, low returns and greater fee transparency, says Murphy. "The active/passive debate is misconstrued. It is actually high cost versus low cost," Murphy says. 

Active managers, he argues, still have a role in investment portfolios. The average fund might underperform the market, but 30 per cent to 40 per cent of managers should outperform. But, Murphy says, investors "should be looking hard at how they use active managers and be highly selective."

David Smythe, manager partner of Zenith Investment Partners, says the success of passive funds is cyclical and unlikely to last. "We are agnostic about [management] style, but we have concerns about the argument because of the use of very short term figures," Smythe says. 2016 may have been a bad year but of 51 Australian equity funds rated by Zenith, 73 per cent outperformed the benchmark over the past five years. Over 10 years 70 per cent outperformed. Still, that is clearly not the whole universe of Australian share funds.

Smythe and Murphy agree that some sectors in particular, such as Australian small cap shares, lend themselves towards active management. Small companies are less well researched, giving a well-trained stockpicker a better opportunity to find stocks that are undervalued. Furthermore, most active managers are underweight small resource stocks, which in general are chronic underperformers.

Vanguard investment analyst Scott Pappas disagrees with the cyclical thesis. Not only is demand for low fees here to stay, but he argues it is becoming harder for professional managers to beat the market because there are more of them and more are highly skilled. In Australia, before the advent of compulsory superannuation and index funds, there were many more inexperienced retail investors buying and selling shares – and many of them were on the wrong side of the trade.

A 2015 Vanguard research paper found that less than 25 per cent of Australian active equity funds outperformed their benchmarks over the 15 years to June 2014.

Exchange traded funds

One of the challenges for individual investors is that they tend to pay more for actively managed funds than large institutional investors, who can use their size to screw down fees. Individual investors typically pay between 0.85 per cent and 1.2 per cent for an actively managed Australian share fund. Super funds can expect to pay between 0.3 per cent and 0.4 per cent. 

It is not hard to see why retail investors are attracted to exchange traded funds, listed passively managed funds which typically charge between 0.15 per cent and 0.25 per cent in management fees – or 0.05 per cent in the case of the Vanguard US total market share ETF. Why would they pay stockpickers handsome fees for the privilege of underperforming the market? By the end of February, funds under management across 202 exchange traded products trading on the ASX reached a record $26 billion.

"Retail investors don't have the bargaining power that institutional investors such as the large super funds have. These institutional investors are able to use their scale to negotiate much lower fees with active fund managers. However, there is point beyond which even they're unable to further reduce the fund manager fees that they pay," says Warren Chant, director of research firm Chant West.

"Long term research shows that the majority of the time active managers don't outperform indices after fees. We're trying to generate after tax, after fee returns," adds Catherine Robson of Affinity Wealth in Melbourne. Robson argues that rather than trying to eke out a small outperformance, investors do far better learning to tolerate market volatility and not trying to time markets and being disciplined in their savings routines. "Passive investing moves the focus from marginal outperformance to investor behaviour," Robson says.

Vanilla ETFs typically mirror an index, giving investors exposure to everything from the global sharemarket to individual country share indices, individual sectors, commodities, currencies and bonds.

Even within vanilla ETFs, debates rage about whether investors should take bets on individual sectors or countries, or opt for regional or global indices. Many experts recommend a broad approach. In the case of investors who want offshore exposure, Jeffrey Johnson, head of investment strategy for Vanguard Asia-Pacific, recommends buying global indexed portfolios because there is no need for investors to rebalance their portfolios between different stocks or single country funds.

Smart beta

Many of the more recently launched ETFs are of the so-called smart beta or factor-based variety. This group of listed funds uses computer programs to select portfolios of stocks with particular characteristics, such as high yielding shares, shares with low volatility, small cap, momentum or high quality shares. Investors can expect to pay a  management fee of between 0.3 per cent and 0.5 per cent. 

If such funds meet an investor's objective, they can make sense, says Murphy. But he cautions that it is a fledgling market and that in many cases funds will require research. Although funds may have the same objective, they can have different selection criteria, which can lead to vastly different outcomes. Take high yield ETFs, which are offered by BlackRock, Vanguard, Russell, BetaShares, State Street Global Advisers and ANZ. For the 12 months to March 31, the returns on the five funds ranged from 19.5 per cent to 24 per cent. The difference is partly explained by the fact that some programs select stocks based on previous dividend payouts, while others use forward-looking dividends, and over different time periods.

Pappas recommends using using smart beta or factor-based funds as a means of meeting an investment objective rather than taking bets on the market. Retirees might opt for high yielding vehicles, while individuals approaching retirement might choose funds that offer low volatility. As a general rule, Pappas says smart beta products can be volatile, so they are not suitable for short term investing. And he says savers should always keep costs in mind. "The lower the fees, the higher probability of outperformance," says Pappas. 

Core and satellite

Another option to minimise fees and meet investment objectives is to use a so-called core and satellite approach. This strategy typically uses index funds as the stable "core" of the portfolio, with carefully selected active investments as the "satellites." According to Vanguard, the key advantages include lower management costs, greater diversification and simplified administration. Affinity's Robson likes to ensure that within each asset class at least 50 per cent of the portfolio is in passive core investments. Murphy says having between 60 per cent and 70 per cent in core investments in appropriate for many investors, who might then splash out on high performing, high cost funds for the rest of the portfolio. Or investors might opt for individual shares.

Pappas argues that core and satellite approaches work best when investors use the satellite portion to achieve broader objectives, such as increased income, rather than as a chance to beat the market. "Identifying the investment objective will determine the mix in the satellite," he says.

Performance fee-only funds

There is an alternative for investors who want to avoid paying fees to managers who fail to perform. Over the past three years a handful of funds have been launched which charge performance fees only. 

Allan Gray, well known as an Australian deep value or contrarian fund manager, offers clients a performance fee-only version. With no base fees, the product comes charges a 35 per cent fee for any outperformance above the benchmark S&P;/ASX 300 Accumulation Index. Eternal Growth Partners, Castlereagh Equity, Collins St Value and Harvest Lane are smaller firms which have done away with management fees.

Harvest Lane is an absolute return fund that specialises in trading stocks of companies under takeover which it says makes it uncorrelated to overall market movements. The vehicle, which has $25 million of assets, charges a 25 per cent fee when performance exceeds the cash rate. The fund was launched in July 2013, since when the gross return has been 13 per cent a year, falling to 10 per cent net of fees. "We're not aiming to be the cheapest out there. We're aiming to provide superior after cost returns," says managing director Luke Cummings. "People will pay if they feel they are getting value," he says.

Cummings expects more performance fee-only funds to be launched in the coming years as investors baulk at paying fees for poor or mediocre performance. He argues that funds operating on zero management fees are more likely to be successful. If they don't outperform, the business model will collapse.

Morningstar's Murphy is less confident. He says the concept is "interesting" but notes that to date take-up has been limited because of a general reluctance among investors to pay performance fees. 

Zenith's Smythe says as a general rule investors should expect that the threshold for charging performance fees should be a market benchmark – on the grounds that the vast majority of funds are supposed to perform better than an underlying market – rather than an absolute benchmark, such as the cash rate. For absolute return managers, he says, it is appropriate to use a cash benchmark, but with the caveat that many so-called absolute return funds actually carry a lot of market risk.

"There are very few absolute return funds in the market," Smythe says.