UNDP Response to Gaza Crisis

UNDP’s two year recovery programme is integrated into the Palestinian Recovery Strategy. It aims to create conditions for enhancing resilience and sustainable development, while building on both prior and current UNDP engagement in the Gaza Strip. Immediate priorities for UNDP include debris and rubble removal and recycling, solid waste management, and the repair of electricity, water and sewage infrastructure. Given the prevailing context, construction, the rehabilitation of infrastructure and the creation of jobs for affected people will be critical components of the programme.

News: The Government of Germany and UNDP Inaugurate Yabous Bookshop in East Jerusalem

  East Jerusalem, 08 March 2017 – The Federal Republic of Germany, through its German Development Bank KfW, Yabous Cultural Centre and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PAPP), marked the inauguration of the bookshop space at the Yabous Cultural Centre in an effort to promote social and cultural...

News: With Funds from the Government of Japan Over 40,000 Temporary Workdays Generated through the Youth Employability and Protection Project in Gaza

UNDP and the Government of Japan concluded the Gaza Youth Employability Protection in the Gaza Strip project through which 430 youth were given the opportunity to develop their skills and livelihoods.

Join the Conversation and Step It Up for Gender Equality

In the State of Palestine, women represent half of the population. Palestinian women have high enrollment rates in education (94.4 percent), but in the labor market, there is still a wide gap between female and male participation 19.1% compared to 72.5% respectively in 2015). On the other hand, while progress has been registered in women’s participation in Palestinian public life through their presence in legislative bodies, ministries, enterprises, female participation in political life remains low. UNDP targets gender equality as part of its programming in its three main work streams: sustainable development; inclusive and effective democratic governance; and risk prevention and resilience. UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People has an extensive portfolio of projects and programmes that is contributing to the mainstreaming of gender and empowerment of women in the Palestinian society.

News: Under the Auspices of H.E. Prime Minister Al Hamdallah, the Ministry of Local Government, Italy and UNDP Celebrate Completion of projects in Area C

The 14 completed projects were funded by the Government of Italy for the amount of Euro 3 million and implemented through UNDP’s Facilitating Access to Infrastructure Resilience in Area C and East Jerusalem programme (FAIR).

News: Under the Auspices of the Minister of Local Government - The Government of Japan and UNDP Inaugurate Solid Waste Landfill in Jericho

The Ministry of Local Government, the Environment Quality Authority, the Government of Japan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP/PAPP), marked the inauguration of the Jericho landfill expansion for improved solid waste management in the Jericho and Jordan River Rift Valley area. The expansion of the Jericho landfill project is funded by the Government of Japan for the amount of USD 3.1 million and implemented by UNDP/PAPP. The project is expected to benefit over 50,000 residents in Jericho and surrounding communities, safeguard the environment and have an impact on the economy.

Results: With the help of legal clinics in Gaza, women find their way back to life

For so many women in Gaza, divorce can be the end of their life. The stigma of being divorced in a community where women should somehow perform as the perfect wife is a burden that stops many from pursuing an end to violence and unsuccessful marriages that they have to live through. Aziza says it took her 20 years to understand that violence can never end by patience.

Video: Pursuing an Education - Paralegal Services Project in East Jerusalem

A new beginning for Muna after pursuing her education with support from the Islamic Development Bank through UNDP's DEEP poverty reduction programme

Results: Children with Disability: Restoring their Right to Education in Gaza through Al Fakhoora Programme

Mohammed Al Dalou is a 12-year-old smart and enthusiastic student at the sixth elementary grade in Shams Al Amal School for the Physically Disabled in Gaza. He was born with a physical disability and muscular dystrophy, making it difficult for him to perform any activity independently such as walking, bathing, etc. Mohammed dreams of completing his education and becoming a doctor to treat people, heal their pain and alleviate their suffering.

News: UNDP statement, attributable to a UNDP Spokesperson on Waheed Al Bursh Case

UNDP has noted the court’s finding that Mr. Al Bursh has been sentenced for providing services to an illegal entity, without intent to cause harm. The court indicates that Mr. Al Bursh will be released on 12 January 2017. This outcome confirms that there was no wrongdoing by UNDP. UNDP has zero tolerance for wrongdoing in its programmes and is committed to the highest standards of transparency and accountability.

Results: Empowering women to participate in public life

E’tibar is a Palestinian University student living in the Jordan Valley. She is working towards a mathematics degree which, due to financial constraints she has not been able to finish. Impressed by her proactivity and success, the Community Resilience Development Programme (CRDP), implemented by UNDP with funds from the Governments of Sweden, Austria, and Norway, has given E’tibar a four-month contract to work as a full-time Gender Coordinator for the Hiwar Centre for Youth and Women’s Empowerment. This in turn will provide E’tibar with the financial resources to finish her degree.

News: Ministry of National Economy, PIEFZA, Jericho Municipality, Government of Japan and UNDP Inaugurate the Mahmoud Darwish Road in Jericho

The Ministry of National Economy, the Palestinian Industrial Estates and Free Zones Authority (PIEFZA), the Government of Japan, Jericho Municipality, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), inaugurated the Mahmoud Darwish Road improving access to the Jericho Agro-Industrial Park (JAIP) and facilitating the movement of materials and products geared for export. The project, worth USD 320,000, has generated approximately 980 workdays.

News: Al-Fakhoora Dynamic Future’s Scholars Call for the Protection of Children and Preservation of Archeological Sites at Model UN Conference in Gaza

Al Fakhoora scholars worked together over a four months period simulating United Nations sessions on issues currently on the UN agenda, learning about UN protocols and procedures, enhancing their art of debate and diplomatic speeches. Modeling the General Assembly, students simulated UN Security Council sessions and discussed the protection of children’s rights and affirmed the importance of protecting world heritage, especially in a conflict setting.

News: The European Union, the Islamic Development Bank and UNDP launch the Revitalization of Sultan Suleiman and Salah Eddin Streets in East Jerusalem

The European Union, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Waqf, Arab Chamber of Commerce and UNDP/PAPP launched the Productivity and Urban Renewal Programme in East Jerusalem (PURE). The programme, with a total value of around USD 22 million, aims at supporting the resilience of Palestinians residing in East Jerusalem by improving socio-economic conditions through the urban revitalization of two key commercial centres in the city namely Salah Eddin and Sultan Suleiman streets. The PURE programme is currently funded by the European Union (EU) (5 million Euros) and the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) (USD 4 million). The programme will be implemented by UNDP/PAPP over a 30-month period in cooperation with the Islamic Waqf and the Arab Chamber of Commerce in East Jerusalem.

News: With Support from the Bank of Palestine Opening Ceremony for Three Renovated Governmental Schools in Gaza

Gaza Strip, 06 December 2016 – As part of the continuing efforts to support the education sector in the Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Bank of Palestine and UNDP’s Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP) celebrated the opening of three governmental schools in...

News: OFID extends grant to UNDP in support of the Palestinian people

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) signed a USD 1million grant agreement with UNDP/PAPP to support Phase II of an initiative aimed at improving the living conditions of low-income Palestinian families in East Jerusalem by providing them with safe and affordable housing. The agreement was signed by Suleiman J Al-Herbish, OFID Director-General, and Roberto Valent, UNDP Special Representative of the Administrator, and witnessed by H.E. Hussein Al Araj, Palestinian Minister of Local Government, on the sidelines of the Palestinian Resilience Conference taking place on 24-25 November 2016.

News: Launch of the National Legal Aid Committee - Overcoming Barriers Faced by those Needing Legal Aid

Ramallah, 16 November 2016 – A milestone towards the establishment of a national legal aid system was officially reached in Ramallah today with the launch and first meeting of the National Legal Aid Committee. The meeting was officially opened by H.E. Ali Abu Diak, Minister of Justice; Advocate Hussein Shabaneh,...

Palestine Resilience Conference 24 - 25 November 2016

The First Palestine Resilience Conference (PRC) 2016 – From Sumud to Transformative Resilience will be held on 24-25 November 2016 at the InterContinental Hotel in Amman, Jordan. The conference will seek to review and reinvigorate the Palestinian resilience conceptual, programmatic, operational, as well as policy framework. Organized jointly by the Government of Palestine and the United Nations Development Programme/Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (UNDP/PAPP), the Conference will provide the space where practitioners, donors, government actors, non-government actors, and the private sector will meet to think-plan-deliver on how to influence resilience-based programming across the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

News: EU and UNDP launch a EUR 2.4 million programme to boost private sector development in the Gaza Strip

Jerusalem, 09 November 2016 - The European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched today a new programme to rehabilitate and consolidate the Gaza Industrial Estate (GIE). The GIE is intended to work as a catalyst for industrial development in Gaza once fully operational. The new...