
Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Treasurer Scott Morrison revealed plans to hit the big banks with a new levy in the 2017 federal budget presented to Parliament tonight, but head of the Australian Bankers Association Anna Bligh condemned the move as "bad policy".

Federal budget health and education cuts leave a "black hole" in WA's finances and push hopes of a balanced state budget further out of reach, the Treasurer Ben Wyatt says.


Beverley O'Connor speaks with Dr James Kim is from The Asan Institute for Policy Studies about South Korea's elections, which liberal candidate Moon Jae-in appears poised to win.


Beverley O'Connor speaks with Antony Gaughan, a professor of law at Drake University, about the White Houses's announcement that Barack Obama had warned Donald Trump not to hire Michael Flynn as national security adviser.


Here are some of the key moments from Treasurer Scott Morrison's speech where he revealed the 2017 federal budget.

Budget changes mean tax rises for most Australians. Here's how much more you'll pay.

Greens senator Larissa Waters says she is "proud" her two-month-old daughter has become the first baby to be breastfed on the floor of the Federal Parliament.

The 2017 federal budget has finally been revealed — but in case you missed it, we've got all the key moments of Treasurer Scott Morrison's speech here

Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi retains the support of the vast majority of Perth City councillors in the wake of State Administrative Tribunal findings against her, at least for now.


In this update,
The Treasurer Scott Morrison has just handed down his second budget, which includes a big infrastructure spend and forecasts a seven-billion-dollar surplus in four years


In this update,
The Treasurer Scott Morrison has just handed down his second budget, which includes a big infrastructure spend and forecasts a seven-billion-dollar surplus in four years

Aker Athoi only started playing Australian Rules three years ago — and the 12-year-old is now on the brink of representing Western Australia with girls three years older than her.


Treasurer Scott Morrison announces budget measures around housing supply, housing affordability, and foreign investors.


Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison talks to Leigh Sales after announcing the federal budget for 2017 to Parliament.

Four teens who were teargassed while in youth detention appeal the findings of their civil suit against the NT Government after it was revealed the then-superintendent may not have had the power to recommend the gassing.


Watch Scott Morrison deliver his full budget 2017 speech to Parliament.


Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison announces regulatory and tax changes for the banking sector.


Treasurer Scott Morrison announced education spending in the federal budget for 2017.


Treasurer Scott Morrison outlines the healthcare provisions in the federal budget for 2017.


Scott Morrison announces measures to address costs associated with electricity supply and pensions.


Treasurer Scott Morrison announces budget measures around tackling tax avoidance and ensuring government revenue.
