Paris - International

Stop to food waste

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We are not talking about a person, but an application. It is a mobile location-based application allowing the successful implementation of two goals at once: consume cheaper and do something for the planet. Called Optimiam, this solution, developed by a Parisian startup, is part of other environment-conscious technological initiatives. It is evidence that technology rhymes with environmental responsibility.
Today, we are responsible of one billion and three million tons of food thrown or wasted every year! – The equivalent of 1/3 of food products on the planet (according to figures announced by the UN on food and agriculture). Moreover, the slogan of Optimiam “all together against food waste” gives food for thought on modes of excessive consumption, and resonates like a voice unifying responsible consumers.

Overview on the concept

“Optimiam is an effective way to fight against food waste of fresh products, which is a real problem for local shops,” says Alexander Bellage, co-founder of the French startup with Raodath Aminou.

The application, available on Android and iOS, allows connecting local shops and consumers and inform them of perishable food surpluses in limited quantities. Customers can benefit from flash promotions from the nearest traders identified thanks to Optimiam.
Thanks to this concept, the consumer saves 15 to 60% according to promotions, needless to mention the decrease of food waste for traders.

The application’s principle

How is it to use Optimiam on a daily basis? It is simple! The trader updates daily his stocklist online. He shows the surplus on sale and the consumer can thus enjoy the consumption of fresh products that are in stock with reduced prices. Three uses are enough to be served.
At first, make sure to regularly consult deals available around you and start composing your cart. Your geolocation allowed you to know in real time the stocks of products whose expiry date for consumption is close.
Then, all you need to do is to enter, once in the store, the code shown in the box to validate your cart contents. You can finally enjoy your products by presenting the ticket given by the seller and pay your order.

The future of the application

The startup counts now 50.000 customers and wishes to reach 250.000 users by 2018, and exceed 2.500 traders. Its successful fundraising of 500 000 Euros from business angels in Silicon Valley in early 2016, will allow an expansion beyond France’s borders, and certainly reach a broader environmental impact.


Alexandre Bellage


Raodath Aminou



LCD, 51 Boulevard Bessiere




The world can produce enough food to feed the 6 billion inhabitants of the planet. Nevertheless, 82 countries do not have enough food to decently answer the needs of the entire population.



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Morocco, in partnership with the FAO, launches this project (action plan to reduce food waste and loss in Morocco) to conceive and implement the national strategy and the action plan of reducing food waste and loss, with the identification of the main agricultural products that are concerned by this phenomenon.

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