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Boat lost on Freo road 'at least stopped at traffic lights'

A boat which has been left stranded in the heart of Fremantle on Monday has caused traffic delays and the need for a crane to remove it from the road.

The SeaWest1 fell off a trailer in front of the traffic lights on the busy corner of Parry Street and South Terrace.

Freo local Roel Loopers said he was told by the driver the brakes that hold the boat on the trailer had failed.

Police responded to the traffic nuisance just after 11am and spokesman Samuel Dinnison said Parry Street had been closed to traffic and a crane had been called to remove the roughly seven-metre long vessel.

Pictures of the lost boat attracted mockery on social media, with one poster saying "well, at least it's stopped at the red traffic light?".

Another jokester said "wrong pub...Sail and Anchor is the next street over".