National Strategy For Persons with Disability Launched

Sep 18, 2013

Remarkable Step towards Rights-Based Approach for Persons with Disability

UNDP Bahrain, in collaboration with Ministry of Social Development, have launched the first ever “National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities (NSPD), which covers six themes Health, Inclusive Education, Accessibility, Awareness and Media, Economic Empowerment, and legislation. A wide national consultative process was launched, included all major stakeholders such as disabled peoples organizations (DPOs) and persons with disabilities themselves. The NSPD was designed, different chapters were drafted, discussed, and all comments given by different stakeholders were incorporated.  The developing of the NSPD has taken almost two years to develop in a bottom-up consultative right-based approach.  Subsequent to its endorsement by the Cabinet, the NSPD has been launched on 18 September 2013.