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Copper hits four-month low

LME aluminium ended the day 1.3 per cent down at $US1879 a tonne, off an earlier two-month low of $US1874.

​Copper slid to a four-month low overnight after data showed a drop in imports into China, the world's biggest consumer.

Accused New York bomber to be tried in New York, judge

Ahmad Khan Rahami is taken into custody after a shootout with police in New Jersey.

An Afghan-born man charged with setting off bombs in New York and New Jersey will be tried in New York after a federal judge rejected his lawyers' argument that he could not get a fair trial in the city where he is accused of injuring 30 people.

Trump protection in first 100 days soars to $40 million

President Donald Trump boards Air Force One.

On the Thursday evening before Easter, photographers staking out Palm Beach International Airport in Florida awaiting President Donald Trump were surprised to see not one, but two Air Force planes arriving within minutes of each other.

How to save on electricity bills

Canstar Blue recommends Queenslanders consider changing their electricity plans to a fixed-price plan.

With electricity price hikes predicted to be just around the corner a research company is advising Queenslanders to consider changing their plan.

Another federal budget, another tired slogan

Treasurer Scott Morrison will  announce another review into the banking sector on budget night.

Joe Hockey's disastrous first budget will always be remembered for the term "lifters and leaners".  Malcolm Turnbull's second budget loomed as the year of "good debt and bad" debt, until the Prime Minister unleashed a new political slogan on the nation.

Iron ore revival snuffed out as 'weakest commodity' drops again

A haul truck is loaded with iron ore at a Rio Tinto mine in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Iron ore's attempt at a rebound lasted just a few short hours as investor concern over robust supplies, including near-record port stockpiles, and speculation some traders in China were rushing to offload holdings combined to snuff out a brief gain in prices.