
AOL sites attract a wide range of dynamic and influential audiences. So when you pair your brand’s message with our content, you get powerful results.
It’s that simple.


People over the age of 50 are some of most active online today. Voracious consumers of a wide variety of content, this influential audience turns to AOL for expertise and opinion on topics including the news, lifestyle and finance.

Did you know?
69M Adults 50+ visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore MultiPlatform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 87% of Adults 50+ online.
comScore MultiPlatform October 2015
Adults 50+ visit 164 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore MultiPlatform October 2015

When it comes to lifestyle and financial matters, Affluent individuals trust AOL. They keep themselves current with our news and business coverage, and seek out our expertise in matters of wealth management, investments and all things luxury.

Did you know?
67M Affluent adults visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 82% of Affluent adults on the web.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
Affluent adults visit 108 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015

AOL knows that Men are a far more diverse lot than the one-dimensional caricatures they’re made out to be. From the alpha male to the artist, AOL’s brands cater to the modern man.

Did you know?
99M Men visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 79% of Men online.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
Men visit 95 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015

It’s hardly surprising that the first generation of digital natives is one of its most engaged online audiences. And every month, 53M of them visit at least one AOL site to discover, share and discuss content.

Did you know?
67M Millennials visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 86% of Millennials online.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
Millennials visit 39 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015

Moms control more than $4T in spending, making them the most powerful consumer population by a wide margin. AOL gives them the content they need to make informed choices for their families – and themselves.

Did you know?
47M Moms visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 72% of Moms online.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
Moms visit 79 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015

Distinct new voices are effecting every facet of American life. All AOL sites feature content relevant to these growing demographics, including Latin-American, LGBT and African-American audiences.

Did you know?
AOL Advertising reaches 70% of African-Americans and 56% of Hispanics online on desktop.
comScore MultiPlatform December 2014
AOL reaches 56% of the LGBT community online on desktop.
comScore MultiPlatform December 2014
The LGBT community spends 12.6 minutes per day when visiting AOL properties.
comScore MultiPlatform December 2014
HuffPost Gay Voices is the #1 LGBT site on the web.
comScore December 2013

There is no modern consumer group more dynamic than Women--80M of them visit our sites every day. AOL has what you need to give Women what they want.

Did you know?
103M Women visit AOL Advertising each month.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
AOL Advertising reaches 79% of Women on the web.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015
Women visit 93 pages per month when visiting AOL properties.
comScore Multi-Platform October 2015