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Centrelink suspends carer's payments after a phone call leaving couple destitute

A stroke survivor and her partner have been forced to auction personal items and survive on Salvation Army food vouchers after Centrelink suddenly cut off their carer payments after a brief assessment over the phone.

But the Department of Human Services say they did nothing wrong.

Julie Davey was left paralysed on her left-hand side after a stroke two years ago. She had to resign from her job as a chief executive of a health care organisation and her husband, Peter Kronk, took on fulltime carer duties.

Since then the 57-year-old has made substantial recovery but still relies upon Mr Kronk to help with daily tasks, including bathing, dressing and eating.

However on March 7, Mr Kronk's payment was abruptly cut off after an assessment over the phone.

A few days before, the couple received a "request for information" letter asking them to call Centrelink.


"There was nothing about the carer payment," Ms Davey said.

"It was more like 'we need to confirm your details'."

Mr Kronk, who recently lost his job as a casual truck driver, said the "vague" conversation ranged from his salary to how much caring he did.

"But it was really general ... we didn't really know what they were asking us about ... there was no sense we were being assessed."

The couple were left reeling when the Centrelink staff told them at the end of the phone conversation lasting "20 to 30 minutes" that Mr Kronk no longer qualified for the carer's payment and their payment was being cancelled as of that day.

"We were in a bit of a shock," Ms Davey said.

"At the end of the interview, she said, 'have a good day', and Peter and I were left sitting there quietly crying."

Mr Kronk could apply for a lower carer's allowance or Newstart allowance, both of which finally kicked in last week.

But the delay meant the couple had to survive for two months on Ms Davey's disability pension of $604 every fortnight – with just $4 to spare after paying the mortgage.

"We have actually been selling some of our belongings on eBay. It has been a really tough time, there has been some help from family and friends. We have used Salvation Army food vouchers," Ms Davey said.

The couple, who plan to appeal the decision, say they felt "tricked" and "disempowered" by their treatment.

"We didn't know which way to turn. Didn't know how we would survive," Mr Krock said.

Federal MP for Bruce Julian Hill, who approached Centrelink on the couple's behalf, said their treatment was "grossly unfair".

"Sneaky phone calls to stroke victims and their carers to 'check some details' then kick them off a payment in the same call without a proper assessment is grossly unfair," Mr Hill said.

"You wouldn't think it could get worse after the robo-debt mess, but this is a new low.

"Minister [Alan] Tudge should apologise for how Julie and Peter have been treated, and stand up to the Treasurer to stop even more cuts to Centrelink.

A Department of Human Services spokeswoman said while they were unable to discuss specifics, they had acted appropriately.

"The department may review a carer's circumstances and request additional information to make sure people are receiving the right payment for their circumstances," she said in a statement.

"Medical reports are not required for all reviews."

The spokeswoman said they wrote to Mr Kronk before the review which was conducted by "appropriately trained staff".

She said if a person stopped working "voluntarily without good reason" or was dismissed because of misconduct, they may have to wait before receiving payment. It could be waived if the eligibility criteria was met and they were in severe financial hardship.

Kevin Stone who heads Valid, a disability advocacy organisation said while taxpayers dollars had to be protected, there had to be compassion.

"There should be consideration to the effect of the impact of a decision like that," Mr Stone said.

"To phone someone cold, ask questions without actually being clear about the purpose to which that information will be used ... is incredibly unfair and, dare I say, un-Australian."