The following Speak Out! messages appear in October 26-31, 2016 editions of the Journal & Topics Newspapers.
Says security more important than bike path
Des Plaines Theater. I’m happy to see that the Des Plaines government is going to try to save the Des Plaines Theater. The government also needs to assess the longer-term security and parking needs in downtown Des Plaines. If we’re going to be hosting big live events, we’ll need more security cameras and physical security around the theater and down the street. Also, we’ll need more parking spaces for the theater. I’d rather spend a few million dollars on more security and parking spaces than adding a bike path under the S-Curve. Let’s be smart with the taxpayer dollars.
Proud of students’ efforts
I am very proud of the student group from Maine West that would like for the city to create a welcoming environment for refugees. Don’t forget the State Department does a thorough review to make sure each refugee is OK to enter the U.S., despite having lost their home and belongings, having members of their family murdered, and having to live in a makeshift tent city with less than reasonable living conditions. We should recognize how blessed we are in the U.S. with our wealth and the security that we take for granted everyday. I think if we do that, we would see that maybe welcoming a human being in desperate need isn’t sacrificing that much. Plus it helps remind the world, that yes, the U.S. is a nation that holds religious values and acts upon them. This groups efforts makes me proud to be a Des Plainesian. Way to set the example, kids.
Enjoyed DP Band concert
A very positive review. Just came back from the Des Plaines Band concert at Prairie Lakes. Wow, they were fantastic. I see some of the regulars and some new band members. I’ve been going for years. Everyone did an excellent job. I envy anyone who can play an instrument. I have no musical talent whatsoever. The conductor was casual, relaxed, funny and informative about the songs and their writers. It was a very pleasant afternoon. Can’t wait for their winter concert.
Drivers not used to rapid flash beacons
The Federal Highway Administration really goofed with the approval of the Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon crosswalk warning lights. They look too much like the warning lights on tow trucks and work vehicles, and can easily be confused for the same if not directly visible. The current Rules of the Road for Illinois contains no mention of the Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons, and for a flashing yellow states, “proceed with caution”. Therefore, the State of Illinois and the Federal Highway Administration may well bear responsibility for allowing the installation of a new, novel traffic control device without any attempt to re-train the motorist. The use of a flashing amber-colored light was a huge mistake. All these Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacons should have the amber-colored lighting immediately replaced with red-colored lighting to remove any possible ambiguity about stopping, as people have been trained since, at least, WWII to stop for any kind of red light, flashing or steady.
Scary time of year
This is a scary time of year with Halloween and then state and federal elections. We are all familiar with Halloween. But this election year is so much different than ones in the past. All the incumbent politicians and would-be politicians spend their time attacking one another. Why not discuss the issues like taxes and the pension mess? So, the scariest issue is who to vote for, who will win and what will happen after the election.
Ban PACs, too
The Des Plaines City Council is considering banning certain campaign contributions from city contractors. They should also be banning contributions from unions and their associated PACs because these organizations have a huge role in city affairs.
Surprised to see invitation
I opened up my Mount Prospect water bill today and found a reservation form for the Centennial Celebration. Is that allowed? Can I get invitations to my organizations parties included in the town’s waters bills, too? And the party isn’t even in Mount Prospect to boot.
Happy to take Syrian Christians, but…
Regarding the presentation about resettling Syrian refugees here, put on by the Maine West student organization called Voice for the Nameless. Did the presentation mention Sharia Law and how it treats women, gays, Christians, and Jews like second class citizens or worse? I’d be happy to accept Syrian Christians because they share the same values as Americans, but Obama doesn’t let them enter our country.
What the…?
Hi, this is in regard to Speak Out. Mayor Przybylo, why is it that you can give yourself and the village trustees pay raises, in addition to giving all the village of Niles department heads a 12% pay raise and then claim there is no money in the budget to give public works employees a 2% pay raise?
Same support in Park Ridge?
In Speak Out today about welcoming Syrian refugees by Maine West students and history teacher. I have some feedback, as why do we have to make it known and publicize this? We welcome everyone as stated before. Also why isn’t Maine South and East going to their towns with this? For a teacher to be involved he has to get approval from the principal and board so evidently they are backing this. Tell me if I’m wrong, but this is a history class so teach history. For example, all the wars that were fought and the soldiers that died for this country. Also the Depression on how everyone suffered. It was stated that if they wanted to do something, help out the veterans that fought and need help, as that is part of history. If this teacher wants to help how about helping the seniors. The government of Des Plaines must watch how they handle this. As I said before, I would like to see if Maine South in Park Ridge has this support.
ELC would be good for River Trails, however…
I’m very much in favor of the ELC referendum for MP District 26…just perhaps not the plan. I’m a near neighbor, and the plans they’ve shown eat up most of the open space behind the current building. Where will the soccer players, dog walkers, etc. go? I’m hoping there’s still opportunity to revise the site plan.
Attitudes are reflection of the top
I read with interest your Oct. 12 “Off the Record” piece where you talk about Mount Prospect village officials being disrespectful and not feeling the need to be accountable to the residents who pay their salaries. You cite Police Chief Janowick and Village Manager Cassady as examples of this omnipotent attitude and their refusal to respond to legitimate questions from the press. This attitude comes from the very top of the village administration. The behaviors of village employees such as Cassady and Janowick are a reflection of the attitudes that the mayor and the village board members have toward those they are supposed to be serving. There is an election coming up in the spring for mayor and several trustee positions. Maybe it’s time to throw these disrespectful people out.
Knock it off, Trump
I would just like to tell Mr. Trump that overweight people do not like being referred to by their weight and if he sticks his foot in his mouth one more time, the overweight vote is gone.
Theater needs to be regional draw
To Alderman Sayad, and the rest of the aldermen, regarding the Des Plaines Theater. What we are looking for is non-residents to come into the city of Des Plaines to spend their money. Not just the city of Des Plaines residents. We do not need another study. Okay? Why don’t you talk about it with Maine Township. See how it worked it out with the Arcadia Theater. Also, nobody is knocking at their doors regarding this project. Knocking on doors, does that sound familiar?
Do we really care?
Good morning. My name is Phillip. I’d just like to say, do you really think that me or many other people really care what another person has to say if they don’t actually tell you who they are? Oh and by the way, you’re my alderman and it is an embarrassment. If you want to be mayor, run for it. Have a good day.
What will happen to fire department?
Hi, I’m calling regarding Mount Prospect enhancing its barriers in the south side of town. Is the village getting any cost for trying to buy out the Elk Grove Township Fire Department? Does it expand Mount Prospect into that position? Something to look into.
(Ed. Note: The village does not intend to take control of the fire district at this time. Should the fire district no longer remain financially viable, the village may look into taking over the township firehouse.)
Fix rail crossing now
I am concerned for railroad between Wolf and Mount Prospect Road on Dempster/Thacker Street. It requires immediate attention to fix the railroad crossing and the road. Thank you. Bye.
Future looks bright
Congratulations to the Maine West freshman football team on a 7-2 season and co-conference championship. I believe this is the third time in four or five years they’ve been at least 7-2 and won conference under Coach Willett (grandson of hall of famer and former Notre Dame head coach Fran Willett). Future continues to look bright, the program is headed in the right direction, and in good hands. Go Warriors!
Respect your elders
This is in reference to the person who said quit whining in the Oct. 7 Journal. He ends it with Des Plaines is ending up like a town of old people whining and complaining. You know what, pal? Someday you’ll be old, too. How do you know some old person was whining about it? How do you know it wasn’t some young punk? Get a life. Some day you’ll be old. Learn to respect your elders. Goodbye.
Is this a joke?
Are you kidding me? Our government now wants Iraqi vets who received bonuses for reupping to repay those bonuses after they did their time in a war zone. How about using the leftover funds from campaign donations to repay the debt? Better yet, how about using some of the funds spent on all the “freebies” Congress receives to repay this debt? After all, these brave soldiers were deployed by Congress to protect our country and our interests. Reminds me of the Vietnam War when 18 year olds were drafted to fight in a war and yet, the voting age was 21 and so those drafted had no say in elections and hence, government policies. By the way, how many of our lawmakers -- local, state, and federal -- have served or have family members in the armed forces? I am guessing only a few. Shame on you.
Put up speed cameras on River Road
Good evening, Speak Out. In last Friday’s Journal, someone made a comment that now that River Road is going to be opening up by the end of this week, which is the last week in September, that River Road between Touhy and Algonquin is going to be turned into a raceway. Remembering this is a residential area, we are going to have to have Des Plaines police flying up and down this roadway to try to maintain a legal speed limit in this area. School buses travel down River Road in this section. I think we could handle this the same way Rosemont would handle a similar situation. Let’s put up four speed cameras, two in each street. Touhy to Oakton and then from Oakton to Algonquin. They could be infrared so they operate in daytime and nighttime. Very simple solution, very fair.
Tired of political ads stuffing mailbox
Political flyers by mail. It is amazing how many of the same political flyers I receive by mail daily from the same individuals running for various offices. My recycling pile has never been more full. I will probably vote for those who have not inundated my mailbox with such advertising. Maybe if they were charged full postage for these flyers instead of bulk rate, they would think twice before sending so many out.
Foresees exodus in Buffalo Grove
Buffalo Grove has been toying with the idea of issuing a new BYOB license to restaurants that already have a regular license, as well as those who don’t have any. This is about as brilliant as the idea of “beautiful downtown Buffalo Grove”, which cost the last village president his job. This has all the making of another exodus of business. But wait, if this works, the new license fees will certainly help pay for the bonuses of the ruling party.
What’s next?
Once again, higher property taxes and gas taxes are coming to the residents of Glenview. Politicians always take the easiest path for themselves. Instead of making difficult decisions to cut back and eliminate unnecessary spending, they simply say “what the heck,” let’s just raise taxes and take more money from our paychecks. The geniuses who run Cook County are actually going to raise taxes on lemonade. Unbelievable. If they could find a way to tax us on the air we breathe, I’m sure they would not hesitate. When I retire in three years...bye bye to the state of Illinois.
Help the homeless
Can we please help the homeless in Paroubek Park, Metropolitan Square, and the DP Public Library before we worry about refugees from Syria? Please. I am almost positive that most/all are citizens of the United States.
Says vote ‘no’ on referendum
Opportunities to save money on our real estate taxes don’t come along very often, but one such occasion is coming up on Nov. 8, 2016. That’s when we all will have the opportunity to vote on the Palatine Elementary School Dist. 15 referendum seeking to add about $130 million in additional tax revenue. It’s very important we all go to the polls and vote against this proposal. New schools are not necessary here where population is not increasing and Dist. 15 has not explored any of the alternatives.
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