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Sudden stop sparks three-car pile-up on Mitchell Freeway

​Dashcam footage has captured a three-car pile-up on the Mitchell Freeway, caused by a car coming to a complete stop in the middle of fast-moving traffic.

The footage, which is dated last Tuesday, shows three cars plough into one another after a blue Volkswagen Polo stopped for no apparent reason just before the Ocean Reef Road exit.

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Three-car pile-up on Mitchell freeway caught on dashcam

Three cars crash into each other after a mix-up on the Mitchell Freeway. Video: Dash Cam Owners Australia.

It appears all drivers involved escaped without injuries as the cars can be seen to continue their journey after the prang.

A police spokesman said they were not aware of the accident.

The footage was shared in a social media post by Dash Cam Owners Australia, claiming the blue Volkswagen "caused chaos" after "he stopped completely, no hazards, no attempt to pull off the freeway".