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HSC students to get university offers five days after ATAR release under UAC changes

The "vast majority" of NSW HSC students will receive their university offers just five days after getting their ATAR this year, as the body responsible for tertiary admissions moves to "reduce the stress" of the month-long wait students currently face.

However, their interstate peers and NSW pupils who do the International Baccalaureate will need to wait nearly three weeks to hear from universities.

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Uni offers 2017: ATAR cut-offs released

This year's ATAR cut-offs show which uni courses have risen and fallen in popularity - but will a cut-off stop you getting into the course of your choice?

Ahead of the 2018 application process, the Universities Admissions Centre has abolished the "main offer round", under which more than 44,000 students received offers for university courses on January 18 this year.

Instead, it has established a "December round" on December 21, 2017, just five days after ATARs are released and six days after students learn their HSC results, and a ''January round" on January 12, 2018, a week after IB results are released.

Dates for eight early offer rounds from August to December, during which nearly 29,000 offers were made last year, have also been pushed forward slightly.

"This has been coming for a number of years and some institutions already did offers around the ATAR," a spokeswoman for UAC said.


"It was always going to be better for students. It reduces the stress of those few extra weeks."

The UAC spokeswoman said students from other states, and those doing the IB, a globally recognised assessment offered at 28 non-government schools in NSW and taken by more than 2000 pupils across Australia last year, would not be disadvantaged by the changes.

"For some highly competitive courses, universities will wait until January to make all their offers," she said.

Universities have confirmed they will aim to release offers in December, but did not respond to questions about whether any "competitive courses" would be excluded from this offer round.

"Historically, [the University of Technology Sydney] has made the vast majority of its ... offers to applicants in the January 'main' round," a spokesman for UTS said.

"It is likely that we will be in a position in future to take a similar approach using the new December round, giving all applicants an earlier assurance of a place at UTS even for highly competitive courses."

A spokeswoman for the University of Sydney said the changes were made after consultation with universities.

"[The new system] was developed after substantial feedback from across the sector and as a result of a desire to make offers with less delay after the release of ATARS," she said.

UNSW and Macquarie University also supported the earlier offer rounds.

"The new offer rounds system provides certainty earlier for students, before the end of the year, and this can support an earlier transition to university," Macquarie University's pro vice-chancellor learning and teaching Professor Sherman Young said.

UAC has also announced that from this year students will only be able to nominate a maximum of five course preferences, down from nine in previous years.

"The reduction in the number of preferences streamlines the process, while still allowing students plenty of choice," according to the admissions centre.

"In the previous system, many students felt they should 'fill up' all nine preferences."

Students will still be able to change their preferences for different offer rounds.

About 6 per cent of offers made during the 2017 main round fell under preferences six to nine.

Professor Young said having fewer preferences would make the process "less confusing for students".

"Research shows that preferences six to nine had very poor conversion rates and were less utilised or not the students dream degree or provider choice," he said.