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Property manager Mark Kolodynski stole rental bonds for his TAB account

A Sydney real estate agent who embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from renters' bonds and trust accounts to make bets on sports has been jailed for 18 months.

The door closed on Tuesday for 29-year-old Panania property manager Mark Kolodynski to appeal against an 18-month jail sentence for stealing $370,000 from trust accounts of two real estate agents.

Details released by the state government show the former property manager systemically and unlawfully withdrew money for his own purposes from trust accounts held by real estate agents Northern Strata Management Services and Bevans Wollongong for customers.

A NSW Fair Trading investigation followed a trail of money that ultimately led to Kolodynski's personal gambling account at the TAB.

"If you choose to do the wrong thing, Fair Trading will come after you, and you will be prosecuted," said the NSW Better Regulation Minister Matt Kean. "This result reflects the hard work of Fair Trading's investigators."

Kolodynski created fictitious expenses to justify his withdrawal of money from strata accounts. He also funnelled money held in rental bonds and deposits while working as a property manager.


Kolodynski was ordered to repay $100,000 each to the agencies from which he embezzled funds.

The real estate companies were forced to repay the trust accounts at their own expense.

Kolodynski pleaded guilty to stealing property as a clerk or servant and Magistrate Tim Keady sentenced him to a minimum non-parole period of 12 months on March 30.

His real estate qualifications had expired but he will be banned from holding any real estate credentials for 10 years.