Syrian rebels and their families began evacuating from a district of Damascus for the first time on Monday, bringing the government closer to recapturing all of...
Thirty years after South Korea became a democracy, voters born in the period go to the polls Tuesday frustrated over their prospects and demanding change as...
Yassmin Abdel-Magied will continue her work with a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) advisory body, Julie Bishop has decided.
Analysts say the sweeping victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election is a win for the European Union.
The former Labor Party leader Mark Latham has confirmed he will join Senator David Leyonhjelm's Liberal Democrat Party.
The Turnbull government will reportedly divert money from its aid pool to deliver extra funding to the country's security agencies.
A new Labor ad featuring mostly white Australians has been criticised for lacking diversity - and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has now acknowledged it was an ...

Featured News

News and analysis from Australia and the world.

Customs officers in Malaysia have seized African pangolin scales worth $A2.7 million in two raids at the Kuala Lumpur airport cargo warehouse.
Police will not push on with an investigation into allegations federal minister Alan Tudge broke the law by releasing Centrelink information of an individual.
Speculation still surrounds the fate of billions of dollars in so-called 'zombie' measures the Coalition has been trying to pass since 2014.
The prime minister says the Australian Federal Police's funding boost will add about 300 extra specialist officers to combat terrorism, drug trafficking and...
There are calls to reduce stigma faced by people with Tourette syndrome, which affects around 1 in 100 children in Australia.
The AFL is in mourning after former Collingwood captain and media personality Lou Richards died in Melbourne on Monday.
Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday vowed to help to 82 schoolgirls who have been freed from more than three years of Boko Haram captivity after a...

Europe Elections

Spotlight on the 2017 'Super Elections' 

Pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron promised Sunday to heal France's divisions after crushing far-right leader Marine Le Pen in a pivotal presidential election that...
A third of French voters declined to choose between centrist Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen in Sunday's presidential election, either...
When they first met he was 15 years old and she was a married 40-year-old drama teacher coaching him in a school play. In her new role as France's First Lady,...
Emmanuel Macron faces several major challenges as he battles to unite the country and enact his political agenda in the years ahead.
The spread of leaked documents about French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron's campaign was aided by far-right activists, according to researchers.
Centrist frontrunner Emmanuel Macron and far-right candidate Marine Le Pen are diametrically opposed on issues ranging from immigration to Europe to gay marriage.

In Focus: Australia's First People


Indigenous Languages at risk

Australia's Indigenous languages could be completely wiped out by 2050 according to experts. The number of traditional languages has dropped from 250 to 120 over the last two hundred years.And the ...

For 50,000 years, Australias First Peoples have traveled long distances using star maps in the night sky.   
How much do we actually know about the concept and history of this sociological term, which is rapidly gaining popularity?

Indigenous Conversations

Walk with us on SBS sheds the lights on Aboriginal culture.

Your Language
Indigenous life depicted on Greek-Australian artist's paintings
The World Federation of Public Health Associations is running a public health photo competition to celebrate its 50th birthday. Here is a short list of the best images.
More than two dozen photographs of the Pentagon taken on September 11, 2001, have reappeared on the FBI's website.

Photos: Lismore flooding

Images show rising floodwaters in Lismore today as the town's levy has breached and risks cracking.
Traditional South Sudanese wrestling is getting an Aussie makeover. Those involved say it’s a good way to put young South-Sudanese Australians in touch with their community and culture.

In pictures: Londoners stand together after Westminster Attack

Hundreds of people paid tribute to victims of the Westminster attack outside British parliament which left four people dead and many more injured.

In pictures: London attack

An attacker drove a car into people on Westminster Bridge before crashing into a fence outside parliament and wielding a knife.
From live TV errors to political protests, the 89th Academy Awards was more than just the glitz.
A behind-the-scenes look at Insight's recent trip to the Latrobe Valley, speaking and filming with communities affected by the closure of Hazelwood Power Station and Mine.