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Melbourne weather May 8: Rainy, overcast Monday, but it's clearing

Because too much weather is never enough for Melburnians, here's everything you need to know.


We're in double digits today, but you may not know it in this overcast misery. It was 10 degrees in the city this morning, although it felt more like 8 degrees with the "wind chill factor", and even less for those who donned the Lycra and pedalled their way to work.

Pack the brolly today, because showers will roll through the city, intermittently throughout the day. These folks have the right idea ...

Wet weather on a Monday morning in the Carlton Gardens.

Wet weather on a Monday morning in Carlton Gardens. Photo: Jesse Marlow

There will be some patches of blue sky about, the weather bureau tells us. Don't despair, however, conditions are clearing for the rest of week and we're set for a run of clear, fine days from Wednesday. The mercury might even nudge 20 degrees, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

Here's what the weather is doing right now


Here's what's in store for the rest of the day

Here's how the rest of the week is shaping up

What to wear

Elsewhere in the world

This spectacular image was taken in Istanbul, Turkey, during a lightning storm yesterday. That illuminated gold building is the Faith Mosque. 

Lightning strikes over Istanbul during a thunderstorm on May 7.

Lightning strikes over Istanbul during a thunderstorm on May 7. Photo: Chris McGrath

Tune for the day

Start the day with a song in your heart, as issued by our senior forecaster at The Bureau of Musicology.