
Soldering on: report on working in a 3D-printer manufacturing plant in London

The first part of the article looks at the current hype around automation and post-industrialism. The second part looks at the concrete conditions in the west London factory, which largely employs female migrant workers.

#Hueyapan: Manifesto for Autonomy

The indigenous Community Council for Hueyapan Autonomy is struggling for self-government, a collective economy, direct democracy and the strengthening of its community guards against state police and clandestine destruction of the forests.

“我们在黑格尔的脸上吐痰”—— 1970年代意大利的工人主义女权运动

Italian feminists



Prole Couple before the Great Men


Living The Dream after your #penaltyrates got cut

Latest episode of the Living the Dream podcast hosted at The Word From Struggle Street - a collaborative anticapitalist blog from Brisbane

La Sexta Bachajón blocks highways demanding freedom for their political prisoners

Statement from an indigenous group from the Bachajón area of Chiapas, Mexico, who blockaded a major road in protest of the arrest of Zapatista prisoners.

Colombia: international solidarity with Mateo Gutiérrez; critical thought is not terrorism!

Mateo Gutiérrez León is a committed and critical student of the 5th semester of sociology at the National University of Colombia, Bogota, an excellent companion, son, friend and possesses an active mind and solidarity with various national issues that he considers unfair and the product of that social manipulation. Today he is the victim of a false judicial verdict.

Turkey-Netherlands riot: both prime ministers gain, the workers lose

Erdogan Rutte row Turkey  - The Netherlands

Analysis and critique of both sides in the diplomatic spat between Turkey and the Netherlands which has led to riots and name-calling between the two governments.


IKEA strike 2012

“仓库工人无所畏惧”——这是一路贯穿7月26日由基层工会(base unions)S.I. Cobas和ADL Cobas发起的反宜家(IKEA)全国运动中的口号。


Italy's hot autumn, 1969


1917年彼得格勒工厂委员会运动综述 ——工人监督与无产阶级政权

Putilov factory meeting - Petrograd 1917





Thoughts on Mark Fisher and the “slow cancellation of the future”

Mark Fisher's Ghosts of My Past shows the world through Fisher’s eyes, a beautifully depressing elegy for cultural progress and passion in a world dominated by cheap stimulation and the marketplace

What's the mess we live in - System series

Draft article for a series on 'the system we live in - for west London workers' paper WorkersWildWest


Gurgaon strike


Reactionary group shoots at campesinos and residents opposed to the New Airport in Atenco, Mexico

A group of between 30 and 40 people violently attacked members of the Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra (FPDT) and others who are opposing the construction of the new international airport of Mexico City.

Mexico: the insurrection of Ixmiquilpan

The stores remain closed until the workers have better salaries and that, in agreement with the managers and bosses, products of the campesinos of the municipality are bought and distributed in the stores. The banks only open every three days so that the people can collect or send money. The police aren’t welcome.

Work is Bollocks

Why the working-class should control how work is done.

Donald Trump, White Nationalism and America's Colonial Legacy

Rosa Soros discusses the colonial legacy of America, how it is still felt deeply today, and why we need a grassroots, revolutionary working class movement to fight - not just the forces of reaction brought about by the Trump administration - but the tide of liberalism that secured his power.

“Proud to be part of a singing union”: the struggle at Ellen's Stardust Diner

Sometimes the class struggle heats up in unexpected places – in a Times Square Diner famous for their singing wait staff, for example.