
Tigertown Beats Nazis Down: Reflections on Auburn and Mass Anti-fascism

For those of us who believe in a mass-based, working-class-oriented anti-fascism, it comes down to some central questions. Can we imagine a mass anti-fascist movement in Alabama? Can we actually imagine that large numbers of Alabamians would agree with our program and strategy for fighting fascism? Or do we basically think that mass anti-fascism might theoretically work elsewhere, but not in a place like Alabama?

No match for a good blaster at your side kid: Digital Protest and Repression in a Far Away Galaxy

In honour of Star Wars day (4th May) I thought some of you may enjoy this story of life imitating art, through art. I've tried to make it as noob freindly as possible for those of you who haven't played an online game or seen Star Wars.

When Riot Cops Attack: Repression and Solidarity in Portland’s May Day

From inside the Portland May Day 2017 action, the unwarranted repression from the police made us stronger than before.

Against Exploitation, Crisis and War - No War But the Class War!

May Day Statement of the Internationalist Communist Tendency on the current international situation and the challenges facing the working class a century after the Russian Revolution offered so much hope and brought so much despair.

IWW and radical influences on the San Francisco waterfront

Strike Don't Scab San Francisco Waterfront

For May Day 2017 Local 10 of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union invoked a contractual "stop-work" privilege and refused to work any Bay Area docks in celebration of International Workers Day for the third consecutive year. This speech, originally delivered at the 75th Anniversary of the 1934 San Francisco General Strike at the Marine Firemen’s Hall in San Francisco, was adapted for the rally preceding the May Day march on May 1, 2017.

Sisters, brothers, it’s time for some strategical roots manuvas

Short call to get rooted and to link up local working class initiatives - a basic proposal

The ANC’s South Africa: kleptocracy and exploitation

Zuma uses Gordhan as front for his corruption (cartoon)

The corruption of the Zuma regime has now reached scandalous levels but it was entirely predictable given the ANC's past.

Community Radio Hueyapan 105.5 is born; “another step toward our self-government”

In a small town in the east of Morelos, on a small console bought with the donations of hundreds of people, there are four RCA cables connected that give life to the recently created Community Radio Hueyapan 105.5. The radio embodies the maxim of Neil Armstrong, a small step forward for creating community, and a giant leap toward self-government in Hueyapan.

Black Bloc clashes with fascists and Trump supporters in Berkeley, California

On Saturday, April 15th, a black bloc made up of young antifascists, anarchists, and communists fought against members of neo-nazi organizations and Donald Trump president’s supporters in Berkeley, California.

On recent events around SiCobas in Italy


Two articles by Battaglia Comunista translated from Italian analysing two stories which demonstrate some of the limitations of base (rank and file) unionism. The first concerns the split in SiCobas which has seen the formation of Solcobas and the second on a classic sting targetting of Aldo Milani, chief spokesperson for SiCobas.

Universal Basic Income demand: ain't working for workers' liberation

Parts of the radical left see the Universal Basic Income (UBI) demand as a potential vehicle to a) ‘make people think’ about productive potentials and wealth distribution in capitalism; and b) unify a (fragmented and atomised) working class through a common demand. We think that the demand ain’t helpful for the following reasons.

Top 10 texts about the 1917 Russian Revolution

International Working Women's Day march, 8 March 1917, Russia

A century after the Bolsheviks seized power from the soviets, choose some of the best texts about an uprising that changed the world forever

Spanish dockworkers, Brexit, and the European Union

Spanish dockworkers have sucessfully fought back against the EU's inherent neoliberalism. Lessons abound.

Media, Clinton supporters offer frenzied support for Syria intervention, refuse to learn from Libyan disaster

Ruins in Libya

Cheerleaders for Syrian intervention refuse to learn lessons from recent history

The community of Suc-Tuc form self-government against corruption and repression in Campeche

“Impossible just takes a little bit longer”: Demián Revart reports on the decision of the indigenous Suc-Tuc community in the Hopelchén municipality of Campeche, Mexico, to declare autonomous self-government, following their struggles against biotech multinational Monsanto as well as the Mexican state.

"It is possible to change the world": interview-exchange with the community of Cherán K’eri

Interview with members of the indigenous Cherán K’eri community in Mexico, whose struggle against central government and illegal logging has seen the development of libertarian organising, with direct democracy, equal participation of women, and autonomous patrols of both the community and neighbouring forests, all striking fear into the heart of the Mexican government.

Living The Dream in the Trade Union Movement

Latest episode of the Living the Dream podcast hosted at The Word From Struggle Street - a collaborative anticapitalist blog from Brisbane

Lies of the land: against and beyond Paul Kingsnorth’s völkisch environmentalism

The ‘Wretched of the Earth’ bloc, London climate march, December 2015

Paul Kingsnorth, writing in The Guardian, has called for an explicitly nationalist environmentalism. Out of the Woods offer a critique and an alternative.

MUA occupies Rio Tinto: lessons in our #righttothecity

Short report on an office occupation by the Maritime Union of Australia The Word From Struggle Street - a collaborative anticapitalist blog from Brisbane

Words can cut deep: speech and violence

A post about an often overlooked role that speech and expression play in human interactions.