
I take the 254 and Graeme Archer can sod off.

This is a couple of days late, mainly because I've been pretty busy, but I've been somewhat annoyed by an article by Tory activist, political blogger and burgeoning Telegraph columnist Graeme Archer. He makes the erroneous assumption that I as a fellow bus-taker have anything whatsoever in common with his mean-minded slagging of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

What Does the IWW Do?

An IWW member evaluates 2 goals: industrial power and developing organizers, and explores where they overlap and where they don't.

How the IWW can contribute to Working Class Revolution

Phinneas Gage goes over some of the changes in capitalism and the development within the last 10 years of the IWW as an organization committed to organizing.

Outline of US Labor History with a Focus on the Role of the Left

A rough outline for an introduction to US labor history that was created as part of a presentation. The outline attempts to periodize important organizations and broad trends by decade. A particular focus is to also look at the changing relationship of the left within the labor movement.

Building radical unionism: Providing services without creating service unionism

A critique of 'service unionism' while advocating that some types of service are desirable in a radical union.

Questions about Leadership

What is leadership? What makes someone a leader? Why should we care who is a leader? Who should be a leader? What should leaders do? What is good leadership?

On leadership

An account of the change in attitude a workplace militant had when he was on the shopfloor VS while holding elected office and what real leadership means.

An orientation toward mass work

Brief exploration of how anarchists should operate in mass movements.

My Introduction…

Accounts of wildcats and struggles at Canada Post in 2007-2008.

Wobble the job! The Building Trades Wildcat in Alberta

An article on the Alberta building trade's wildcat of 2007 and the union's attempts to get people back to work.

A New Workers Movement in the US: A proposal for a refoundation through the intermediate level

An assessment of how the situation of the U.S. working class has changed and how to adapt to these conditions.

It Takes Two to Tango

An account of a dispute on overtime at the Canada Post and management's reaction to it.

Political policing, or business as usual?

Arrests of those involved in anti-cuts campaigns, as well as the brutality of the police on recent demonstrations has grabbed the attention of the press. The behaviour of the police has been widely condemned by the left, some of whom accuse them of overstepping the mark with “political policing”. But we should not be surprised by the actions of the police, this is them doing their job and doing it well.

Outreach for June 30th

I thought it might be an idea to put some of the work the various anarchist groups have been doing in one place so anyone looking for literature to put out can use it. Attached is a quick booklet I've collated of designs and text from SolFed members.

Workers' struggles in East Asia (May 2011)

May Day  march for workers' rights in Hong Kong

Summary and links to news stories of workers' struggles around East Asia during May 2011 and related resources. The most important stories appear on my Twitter feed as soon as I find them:

Support the Workers of FF Mercantil and Comrades of COB-AIT! Boycott Lotto and Finta!

Support sweatshop workers in the struggle to improve their working conditions and organize! Management fired union activists, death threats made.

The Crimson Petal and the White, by Lucinda Coxon, BBC2

An unusually lucid, lurid costume drama goes straight for Victorian hypocrisy’s jugular ... Too straight, perhaps?

What makes a revolutionary union revolutionary?

Red and black and that

A discussion document (2/2) I wrote a few months back, which may be of interest in light of the 'Direct Unionism' debate.

Thinking about unions: association and representation

Association means getting organised

A discussion document (1/2) I wrote a few months back, which may be of interest in light of the 'Direct Unionism' debate.

A response to 'Direct Unionism: A Discussion Paper': Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of a 2 part reply by a IWW member, to 'Direct Unionism: A Discussion Paper', which argues for a network of militants and non-contractual organizing.