

Comment and analysis from Cycling Central's panel of experts

It may sound strange to many, but you can still actually go and ride a bike without recording your every pedal revolution on Strava and posting a selfie.

Tan Lines: Odd men out

If the peloton is the office of professional cyclists, then the incident between Kévin Reza and Gianni Moscon should have been dealt with very differently, writes...
The 100th edition of the 21 stage Giro d’Italia starts this Friday 5th of May. As SBS no longer has broadcast rights to the ‘Corsa Rosa’, Australian cycling fans...
We didn't need another fatality, but the death of Astana rider Michele Scarponi has got Anthony Tan asking himself the same question all over again: Is it still...
When it comes to remuneration, there appears to be a point where so much is too much, writes Anthony Tan.


Legends of the Tour - Book

Packed with info and stunning images essential for Tour de France fans, discover the hottest, toughest and fastest riders of this decade.