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Wear Orange Wednesday to say thank you to the 40,000 State Emergency Services (SES) volunteers around Australia. SES Volunteers around Australia respond to calls...
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There are around 5.8 million Australians who participate in volunteering activities and programs. Volunteering has become a source of strength in communities....
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The main organization representing ethnic communities has expressed concern that some measures in the Federal Budget could discriminate against sections of the...
Scott Morrison's second Budget is already drawing a mixed reaction.  The Medical Association is welcoming major health reforms, saying the government is...
Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison has handed down his second Budget, promising that Australia's economy is "moving towards better days." He says the measures...
Filipinos' Top 10 Aussie Suburbs

Do you want to know where to find the  Filipinos in Australia? Take a look at the top  suburbs with many Filipinos.

457 Visa and Citizenship

The government is amending the laws on citizenship and temporary working visas for foreigners.

Citizenship changes explained

Have you applied for Australian citizenship? Thinking of applying for Australian citizenship? How will the citizenship changes affect your application?  We ask...

Changes to 457 Visa explained

Do you need to withdraw your 457 Visa application? Experts say not all applications will be affected by the recent changes. Cooks are still welcome to work...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has unveiled the biggest overhaul in Australia's citizenship standards in decades. Migrants hoping to call Australia home...
The Turnbull Government is pressing ahead with sweeping changes to Australia's skilled migration system, as its abolition of the contentious 457 visa comes into...
The Turnbull Government has announced changes to working visas. The 457 visa has been abolished and skills, jobs under the 457 visa have either been scrapped or...