
Music education makes for a poor commodity

The privatization of music education has turned it into a commodity, and with students becoming increasingly addicted to instant stimulation and gratification, a pretty bad one

The ANC’s South Africa: kleptocracy and exploitation

Zuma uses Gordhan as front for his corruption (cartoon)

The corruption of the Zuma regime has now reached scandalous levels but it was entirely predictable given the ANC's past.

Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany

An article about the wave of privatisations carried out by the Nazi party in the 1930s.

Spanish dockworkers, Brexit, and the European Union

Spanish dockworkers have sucessfully fought back against the EU's inherent neoliberalism. Lessons abound.

NHS on the brink? A nurse's view on the March 4th demonstration and where the NHS is heading

On March 4th, around 250,000 NHS workers, patient activists, union members and members of the public from across the country joined a 'Save the NHS' march in Central London.

Invisible Hand and Iron Fist: Alejandro Ruess

An article detailing the effect of Pinochet Dictatorship in reshaping Chilean society even after the return of civilian rule.

Revolutionaries Behind Closed Doors

Capitalism intrudes on the daily life of a mental health worker.

Pushing Dust: Work Report from Greenford Street Cleansing Gangs

We look at the company structure, the work-mates, the re-structuring and how the trade union engages with it.

The decimation of the English working class

The Decimation of the English Working Class

A history of working class housing and some bleak speculations about a future that is coming unless we can change its course.

Bulgarian anarcho-syndicalists protest railway cuts, privatization

Sofia protest January 31 2015

On-going actions in defense of Bulgarian railways from depredation and privatization have been carried out by activists of the Autonomous Labour Union (ARS, a friend-affiliate of the IWA-AIT). On January 31, for the third Saturday in a row, they set up protest pickets – this time in Varna and in the capital Sofia.