Italy 60s-70s

“我们在黑格尔的脸上吐痰”—— 1970年代意大利的工人主义女权运动

Italian feminists



Italy's hot autumn, 1969


Secrets and bombs: The Piazza Fontana bombing and the Strategy of Tension

The Italicus Express bombing by fascists, 1974

Extremely informative set of writings on the Italian secret state counter-subversion program during the mass struggles of the 1960s and 70s.

We Want Everything: A Novel - Nanni Balestrini

Fiat workers.

Nanni Balestrini’s fictionalized account of the Hot Autumn, in which a young worker from Italy’s impoverished south arrives at Fiat’s Mirafiori factory in Turin, where he finds himself in conflict with the bosses and the entire capitalist system.

Italy 1969-70: a wave of struggles - Potere Operaio

A supplement to Potere Operaio, No. 27, June 27 – July 3, 1970.

Memories of a Metropolitan Indian

A former Metropolitan Indian (member of a situationist-influenced group in Italy) recounts some experiences with the group during the "Years of Lead": the violent late-1970s.

Heroin and Italy's 'Disappeared' Generation - Emilio Torrini


An article describing the devastating effects of the Italian Mafia (with conspiracy theories alleging CIA assistance) disseminating cheap heroin within anti-establishment circles in 1970s Italy.

Back to the future: Italian Workerists reflect upon the Operaista project - Steve Wright

Drawing upon the transcripts used in a book consisting of interviews of people involved in the Italian operaismo and autonomia movements, Steve Wright explores issues and debates around immaterial labour and post-Fordism, to the nature of subjectivity and the role of workers’ enquiries and co-research.

A brief history of the Italian section of the Situationist International - Miguel Amorós

A short account of the second Italian Section of the Situationist International (members: Gianfranco Sanguinetti, Paolo Salvadori, Claudio Pavan and Eduardo Rothe) from its origins in the youth culture protests of the mid-1960s to its collapse during the state terror campaign of the 1970s, including discussions of the precursor journal, S, the influence of the French situationists and May ‘68, the role played by the “organizational question”, the various publications of the Italian Section, its isolation from the other radical currents in Italy and the sordid personality conflicts that plagued the Section and finally led to its dissolution in 1971.

The American worker and the Forze Nuove: Turin and Detroit at the twilight of Fordism

FIAT Lin­gotto fac­tory, Turin.

Nicola Pizzolato on the commonalities between Detroit and Turin, Italy in the 1960s.