general strikes

The Chinese revolution 1925-1927

Strikers during the 1925 Hong Kong general strike

A short account of the mass struggles in China from 1925 up to the Shanghai insurrection of 1927 and its crushing by the nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek, who was supported by the Chinese Communist Party.

2005: Tonga Public Servants General Strike

In 2005 civil servants in Tonga began a wildcat strike for higher wages, the strike grew to include many other public sector workers and took on political reforms.

1957: Colombian General Strike

Pinilla,  is escorted to a Senate hearing to answer charges of misco

A series of protest demonstration and a General Strike led to the downfall of the Dictator Gustavo Rojas Pinilla and the restoration of free elections. Unfortunately this left Colombia still in the hands of the Oligarchy

1994: Wallis and Futuna General Strike

Grievances over working conditions and a lack of state primary schools lead to several strikes in 1994 on the two pacific islands.

1991: Mali General Strike

In March 1991 what Mali experienced what became known as the March revolution. A series of protests by students and democracy activists supported by a general strike led to the downfall of its dictator and the establishment of civilian rule.

1985: Sudanese General Strike Against Dictatorship

In 1985 workers and students protested and struck against worsening living conditions and greater repression, in particular the imposition of Sharia and conflict in the south.

1956: Haitian General Strike Against Dictator

In 1956 Haitian workers and students turned to mass demonstrations, blockades and a general strike to rid itself of a Dictator Paul Eugène Magloire. However in the aftermath the nation was under the control of François "Papa Doc" Duvalier

1944: Guatemala General Strike Overthrows Dictator

Maria Chincilla Recinos with fellow protestors

Workers and students in neighbouring El Salvador had driven out their dictator by using a general strike to cripple the regime. That same year Guatemalan workers and students also made use of strikes and mass demonstrations to oust their Dictator.

1922: Guayaquil General Strike

Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained several concessions but the violence from the police and military would set a precedent for other labour struggles.

1983-85: Bolivian Protests and Strikes Defeat President

In 1983 Bolivia elected a left wing president supported by a coalition of leftist parties and union federations. However the President priorities the paying of foreign debt and brought in neoliberal reforms and lowered wages and living standards for many Bolivians. As a result he alienated his allies and thousands of industrial workers and peasants rebelled with a series of protests and strikes.