
The privatization of nature and the enclosure of life – Colectivo ETCÉTERA

A 2012 essay on the transformation of capitalist industrial agriculture into an all-devouring monster that strikes at the heart of life itself, at its reproductive capacities and genetic heritage, in the blind pursuit of profit without regard for biological or social needs, taking the form of a second “enclosure” movement, accompanied by a renascence of eugenics and neo-Malthusianism, that patents life forms and snake venom, and is simultaneously an appalling “experiment” with possibly catastrophic results, which the authors say can only be forestalled by uprisings and general strikes like those of the indigenous and urban excluded populations of Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nigeria, etc.

Lies of the land: against and beyond Paul Kingsnorth’s völkisch environmentalism

The ‘Wretched of the Earth’ bloc, London climate march, December 2015

Paul Kingsnorth, writing in The Guardian, has called for an explicitly nationalist environmentalism. Out of the Woods offer a critique and an alternative.

Beasts of burden - Antagonism and Practical History

An attempt to rethink the separation between animal liberationist and communist politics.

2008: Disruption of Oil Land Auction

An account of an environmental activists disruption of an auction for oil extraction rights in 2008.

Why is the New Mexico City Airport a megaproject of death?

Since 2001, the dignified and rebel people of Atenco, located in México City, has resisted the imposition of a mega-airport that, if built, would deprive hundreds of hectares of land to the farmers of the region, and also, to bring environmental problems to nearby villages.

1995: Tahitians Campaign to Stop French Nuclear Testing

The resumption of nuclear weapons tests in Polynesia by France the mid nineties provoked anger in Tahiti. Tahitians organised a determined campaign against the tests.

1984: Ogharefe Women Blockade Pan Ocean Oil

In their struggle with the global oil giant Pan Ocean Oil the women of the Ogharefe used blockades and a traditional African custom to force the company to give in to their demands.

1977-88: Brazilian Rubber Tappers Campaign Against Deforestation

Article about the attempt of Rubber Tappers to organise that was linked to the struggle to protect the Amazonian rainforest.

Against Civilization - John Zerzan

The anthology 'Against Civilization', first published in 1999 by Uncivilized Books, is a well-regarded primer to anti-civ thought. For communists, it contains some valuable texts that are worth reflecting on.