Emergency food crisis

The world is standing on the brink of an unprecedented four famines. We need to raise awareness and help those suffering from extreme hunger.
Bruno Bierrenbach Feder/Oxfam

INFOGRAPHIC: Food Security to Famine

What do words like "food insecurity" and "famine" actually mean? Our infographic explains. When we understand, we feel more motivated to help.
Food security to Famine. Learn when to act!

Oxfam CHANGE Summits

APPLY today to Oxfam's National CHANGE leadership conference. Join Oxfam’s campus and community groups across the country in Ottawa this Summer. Get the tools you need to bring change to your community and the world!
National Change Volunteers, 2015.

Growing a better future

As temperatures rise, extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and more severe. Farmers are struggling to cope. Women like Patouma are often the hardest hit, as they are left to tend small farms and families, and have fewer alternative livelihoods when crops are lost. But we can help change this reality.


The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published its annual review of development aid assistance today, ranking Canada as the 11th largest OECD-DAC donor, down from 9th in 2015 and 10th in 2014.     ... more
Now, more than ever, Oxfam urges a redoubling of efforts to find a lasting and peaceful solution to this conflict and to offer safe refuge for the Syrian people who are fleeing for their lives.     ... more



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Bruno Bierrenbach Feder/Oxfam
The world is standing on the brink of an unprecedented four famines. We need to raise awareness and help those suffering from extreme hunger.    ... more
Nimo is carrying a jug with medicine against diarrhea. She has lost most of her livestock and has been suffering from diarrhea for weeks.
“This drought is leaving nothing behind. In previous droughts, we used to lose some animals, but we would always have food and water. But this is different. It is ‘sweeping away’ animals and people.”     ... more
National Change Volunteers, 2015.
APPLY today to Oxfam's National CHANGE leadership conference. Join Oxfam’s campus and community groups across the country in Ottawa this Summer. Get the tools you need to bring change to your community and the world!    ... more