Hillary Clinton Rips Hackers, Blasts Media In A Single Tweet

08/05/2017 6:47 PM AEST | Updated 08/05/2017 6:47 PM AEST

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton came out swinging against the media on Sunday.

In a tweet congratulating Emmanuel Macron on winning the election in France ― despite a last-minute hacking attack against his campaign ― Clinton wrote:

Clinton was referencing criticism she received last week after an interview in which she took "absolute responsibility" for her surprise election loss in 2016, but also blamed a combination of interference by Russia and the FBI.

"I was on the way to winning until a combination of Jim Comey's letter on October 28th and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off," Clinton said. "And the evidence for that intervening event is, I think, compelling, persuasive."

Last week, Nate Silver of said Clinton was right, at least about the Comey part.

"Hillary Clinton would probably be president if FBI Director James Comey had not sent a letter to Congress on Oct. 28," Silver wrote.

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