
Rent Strike in Toronto

Two hundred tenants are on rent strike in Toronto against increases they say are meant to price them out of their homes.

Le Pen or Macron: plague or cholera for the working-class in France and Europe

Plague or cholera.

The French presidential election in 2017 marks a profound change in the European political situation and the approach; generalized crisis in political dominance of ruling classes and political elites over social fabric.

Spycops inquiry delayed until late 2019

In a double-whammy ruling Sir Christopher Pitchford has said his inquiry into misconduct by police undercovers will hear no formal evidence before the second half of 2019 — but exonerated the Met of using delaying tactics.

Exploitation in one click? Grassroots unions start international delivery service campaign #deliverunion

#deliverunion - riders unite!

Deliveroo and Foodora are two very young start-ups that are rapidly expanding on a global level through their high amount of start-up funds. They spark doubts whether digital capitalism brings an end to work – as some have been claiming. But in fact, the ones who bike the streets for the new internet delivery services have to go many miles through the traffic each day and are regularly put into dangerous situations. Through the #deliverunion campaign, the cyclists are now raising their voices.

Activists squat £100m development after eviction of homeless protest camp

A homeless camp set up in Brighton on April 5th to protest against a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which has been imposed on the city’s parks and seafront was evicted on Wednesday — and activists have responded by taking over a building linked to a £100m development project.

Between the July 15 to the April 16: From Turkish Type of War on the Masses to the Turkish Type of Presidency

In this series of paper, I will try to show the clashes between the sovereigns of Turkey starting from the coup attempt to the fraudulent referendum that was held on 16th of April 2017. The series is planned to be three parts. First series will be on what I call a kamikaze type of coup attempt on 15th-16th of June 2016. Second series will be on the period that is between the coup and referendum. Last series will be about the fraudulent referendum that took place on 16th of April 2017 and the prospects for the coming days.

Turkey’s referendum: a win or what...?

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the YES Vote

Does the electoral process, any kind of it, justify the dictatorial alteration of Democracy? Are the formation of law and the democratic procedure of decision making enough for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to be a Sultan? The formation of the legal-mathematical formula of the referendum, as in any electoral process, cannot decide and this marginal situation in Turkey unfolds the inner contradiction of democratic political form.

CGT union members acquitted of ‘ridiculing Catholicism’ with Procession of the Holy Pussy

A regional court has told lawyers for the hardline Christian Advocates Association they won't be allowed to sue the anarcho-syndicalist CGT union in Spain for “offending the Catholic religion,” though a number of feminist organisers are still being targeted.

Repression worsens against activists fighting TAP gas pipeline in Italy

Grassroots organisation the AltreMenti Valle Peligna collective reports that repression is becoming increasingly harsh as activists fight against the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) in Puglia.

A return to repression in Durban: activist shot in the back

After the conviction and sentencing of two ANC councillors for the murder of an Abahlali baseMjondolo activist in May 2016 there was a marked decline in the repression faced by Abahlali baseMjondolo. But the recent shooting of an activist in the Bhambayi land occupation seems to mark a return to repression.