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Selfie deaths outnumber deaths from shark attacks since 2013


Inga Ting

Extreme selfie poseur, Kirill Oreshkin (still alive). The Russian government has launched a campaign against such ...

Extreme selfie poseur, Kirill Oreshkin (still alive). The Russian government has launched a campaign against such dangerous photographs, which has led to the deaths of others. Photo: Facebook

Which of these is more likely to kill you: a shark or a photograph?

At least 11 people have died this year while trying to take a selfie, according to a Wikipedia page that tracks media reports of selfie-related injuries and deaths. At least 11 people died while trying to photograph themselves in 2014, according to the list.

By comparison, just three people were killed in shark attacks last year, according to statistics from the University of Florida's International Shark Attack File. An average of six people a year have died from shark attacks in the decade to 2014 and Mashable reports that eight people have been killed in shark attacks so far this year.

The figures say as much about shark fatalities as they do about the dangers of not paying attention to your surroundings - or worse, intentionally putting yourself in harm's way for the sake of a Facebook or Instagram post. And although the Wikipedia list is by no means comprehensive (at least three deaths, listed below, have not been recorded) it makes for sobering reading.

Falls were the most common cause of death, accounting for eight of the 22 deaths listed over the two years, as well as the death of a 21-year-old Singaporean man, not listed on the Wikipedia page, who fell from a seaside cliff in Bali.

The latest recorded death is of a Japanese tourist who slipped and fell down the stairs at the Taj Mahal on September 18.

Crashes or collisions account for six deaths on the list, including three Indian students who were hit by a train, a plane crash in Colorado that killed both the passenger and pilot, and a Puerto Rican musician who crashed his motorbike in New York.

Not on the list is Courtney Sanford, 32, who died in a head-on collision on a North Carolina highway in April 2014, seconds after posting selfies on Facebook.

Weapons were involved in four deaths, including two men in the Urals who died posing with a hand grenade, a Houston teenager and a 21-year old Mexican veterinarian.

Electrocution accounts for three deaths, including a Russian teenager who climbed into a railway bridge and a Romanian teenager and a 21-year-old Spanish man who died in two separate incidents after climbing on top of a train and accidentally touching live wires.

Drowning killed another teenager who was swept to her death at a seaside birthday celebration in the Philippines while a Spanish man died after being gored by a bull in front of a horrified crowd. His death is not included on the Wikipedia page.

Evidence of other near-death incidents and close shaves have been posted online, some - including this Instagram post of a close encounter with a baseball - with much pride. Comments on the post, which has 2800 likes, include "Great capture!!!" and "stunning".


Most dangerous selfie ever. That happened.

A photo posted by @kellynash on

In Russia, the danger has apparently become so acute that in July police launched a campaign urging people to take care after about 100 people were reportedly injured while taking selfies.

"A cool selfie could cost you your life," the Interior Ministry warned in a brochure accompanying a video and website listing risky locations to take selfies.

Other tips from the Russian campaign include: "A selfie on the railway tracks is a bad idea if you value your life" and "A selfie with a weapon kills".

If looks could kill, it seems that looking at yourself, rather than at what's going on around you, could well be deadliest look of all.

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