UNDP and national partners discussed measures to improve the business environment

On May 2, 2017, a joint project of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and UNDP 'Business Forum of Uzbekistan (Phase III)' held a round table on further improving the business environment and raising Uzbekistan’s ranking in the World Bank's ‘Doing Business’ report. Today, the intensification of efforts aimed to...

E-SUD to be launched in Fergana valley

About 130 court chairpersons, judges, heads of offices of inter-district civil courts, public utilities and state tax inspection employees, as well as lawyers of Andijan, Namangan and Ferghana regions participated in specialized trainings to further increase the use of the National information case management system...

National Transparency Index Reveals Most Open Government Institutions in Uzbekistan

National Transparency Index of Uzbekistan published ranking of 47 government agencies on how open and transparent their activities are from the viewpoint of citizens as required by the Law on Transparency. The joint project of UNDP and Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications on...

Functional review to improve the civil courts in Uzbekistan

The Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted an international Round Table entitled ‘Further enhancement of activities of civil courts - priority area of judicial and legal reforms’, organized in the framework of the joint project of the Supreme Court, USAID and UNDP ‘Rule of Law partnership in...

How agility, openness and collaboration improved e-governance in UK

How  transforming and digitizing of public services based on best British practices can rapidly transform e-governance. This was the main focus of the workshop and round table attended  by more than 30 representatives from government agencies involved in delivery of the most demanded public services. The...

Development of the Aral Sea region – priority area of cooperation

On 13-14 April 2017, representatives of diplomatic corps and international organizations accredited in Uzbekistan, representatives of ministries, agencies, national and regional mass media took part in the field trip to the Republic of Karakalpakstan organized within the UN Joint Programme “Building the resilience of...

Experts from Uzbekistan learned the mid-term budgeting experience of the Czech Republic

In April 3-7, 2017 UNDP “Local Governance Support Programme/Phase II” (LGSP-II) organized a study tour on “Midterm Budgeting at Regional Level” for high and mid level specialists from the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Jizzakh, Tashkent and Namangan...

Improving Professional Skills of Water Specialists

From March-April 4th 2017, a series of training courses were conducted for 130 national water management specialists within the framework of joint project of EU/UNDP ‘Technical Capacity Building’ Project of the European Union’s Sustainable Water Management in Uzbekistan’s Rural Areas Programme. Training courses...

Specialists from Uzbekistan enhanced knowledge on use of natural refrigerants

Refrigeration specialists from Uzbekistan took part in the international training organized in the city of Rottenburg am Neckar (Germany) on 27-31 March 2017.  The five-day training “Safe Use of Natural Refrigerants Ammonia and Carbon Dioxide” was organized by UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub in cooperation with...

World Water Day Celebrated in Uzbekistan

From March 16-22 the joint project of EU and United Nations Development Programme 'Technical Capacity Building’ of the European Union’s Sustainable Water Management in Uzbekistan’s Rural Areas Programme organized awareness raising events to celebrate the World Water Day. The World Water Day is celebrated...

The second cycle of the Startup Support Programme calls for application

The CCI and UNDP project ‘Business Forum of Uzbekistan (Phase III)’ jointly with the Agency for Science and Technologies have launched the second cycle of the youth Startup Support Programme. The programme aims to support students and young scientists in setting up their own businesses and developing...