Total number of active military troops

Demographics of Active Duty U.S. Military

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Assigned Strength of Active Duty Force
Service Enlisted Officers Total Percentage
Army 452,064 87,610 539,675 37.8%
Navy 275,296 51,388 326,684 22.9%
Marine Corps 178,213 20,202 198,415 13.9%
Air Force 258,095 64,805 322,900 22.6%
Coast Guard 33,228 8,134 41,362 2.9%
Total 1,196,897 232,139 1,429,036 100%
Active Duty Gender Distribution
Service Enlisted Percent Female Officer Percent Female
Army 13.2 % 15.5 %
Navy 15 % 15.1 %
Marine Corps 6.2 % 5.8 %
Air Force 19.9 % 18.3
Coast Guard 11.6 % 14.9 %
Total 14 % 15.3 %
Race Profile of Active Duty Force
Service % White % Minorities % Black % Other
Army 73.9 % 26.1 % 21.5 % 4.6 %
Navy 66.2 % 33.8 % 19.3 % 14.4 %
Marine Corps 83.7 % 16.3 % 11.1 % 5.2 %
Air Force 78.1 % 21.9 % 15.6 % 6.3 %
Coast Guard 82 % 18 % 6.1 % 11.9 %
Total 74.6 % 25.4 % 17.8 % 7.6 %
Marital Profile of Active Duty Force
Service Enlisted Percent Married Officer Percent Married
Army 53.7 % 69.9 %
Navy 51.3 % 69.3 %
Marine Corps 42.6 % 67.8 %
Air Force 57.3 % 71.7 %
Coast Guard 54.8 % 73.8 %
Total 52.3 % 70.2 %
Education Profile of Active Duty Force
Service Percent with HSD & Above Percent with BA/BS & Above
Army 86.8 % 83 %
Navy 94.6 % 89 %
Marine Corps 96.1 % 88.8 %
Air Force 99 % 99 %
Coast Guard 99.5 % 53.4 %
Total 92.5 % 89.3 %
Age Distribution of Active Duty Force
Service 18-21 22-30 31-40 41-50 51-59 Average Age
Army 18.3 % 48 % 25.6 % 7.9 % 0.7 % 29
Navy 18.6 % 46 % 26.3 % 8.3 % 0.8 % 29
Marine Corps 36.9 % 46 % 14 % 3.1 % 0.2 % 25
Air Force 14.4 % 46 % 28.3 % 10 % 0.6 % 30
Coast Guard 12.2 % 48 % 27 % 12 % 1 % 30
Statistic Sources & References
Sources: Defense Manpower Research
Content Author: Statistic Brain

Date research was conducted: August 12, 2016

Demographics of Active Duty U.S. Military

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