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Agency VA 515
Board for the Protection of Aborigines
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Date Range: 1869 - 1957
Description of this AgencyDescription of this Agency
The Central Board for the Protection of the Aborigines was given statutory authority by the Aborigines Protection Act 1869. The Board itself had existed since 1860 as the Central Board Appointed to Watch Over the Interests of Aborigines having been appointed following the inquiry into Aboriginal welfare conducted by a select committee appointed in 1858.

The Act provided for the existing members of the Board to continue in office with, in future, the Board to consist of the Minister and such other members as the Governor should appoint. Local committees of three persons could also be appointed to act in conjunction with the Board and also officers to be called local guardians of aborigines.

The Board established reservations and supply depots throughout Victoria, with food and clothing available to the infirm amongst the inhabitants. Regulations made under the Act in 1871 gave the Board wide powers over Aboriginal domicile, child custody and contracts.

The Board was abolished by the Aborigines Act 1957 and became the Aborigines Welfare Board under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary. This followed the 1957 McLean Report on the Aborigines Act and its Regulations which suggested major policy changes involving a reversion to the policy of assimilation.
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Date Range Series Title Series Number Series Location Public Access
? 1874 - ? 1877 Journal, Thomas Harris, Coranderrk Station VPRS 16648 North Melbourne Open
1869 - ? 1916 Secretary's Letter Book VPRS 10309 North Melbourne Open
1898 - 1924 Letter Book, Coranderrk VPRS 926 North Melbourne Open
1902 - 1907 Ledgers VPRS 10311 North Melbourne Open
1903 - 1906 Visiting Book VPRS 10310 North Melbourne Open
1909 - 1939 Register of Inward Correspondence VPRS 10768 North Melbourne Open
By 1889 - ? 1946 Correspondence Files VPRS 1694 North Melbourne Open
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