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Agency VA 513
Guardian of Aborigines
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Date Range: 1850 - 1860
Description of this AgencyDescription of this Agency
The 1849 Select Committee which advised the abolition of the Office of the Chief Protector of Aborigines did not recommend any alternative scheme. After the dismantling of the protectorate system LaTrobe retained William Thomas (previously Assistant Protector of Aborigines, Westernport District) as Guardian of Aborigines in the Counties of Bourke, Mornington and Mount Evelyn from January 1, 1850. The office was abolished in 1860 and replaced with the Central Board Appointed to Watch Over the Interests of Aborigines (VA 514)

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Record series created by this AgencyRecord series created by this Agency
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Date Range Series Title Series Number Series Location Public Access
1847 - 1851 Unregistered Inward Correspondence to the Chief Protector of Aborigines - Reports and Returns (refer to digitised images of P0 consignment, available online) VPRS 11 North Melbourne Part Open
1849 - 1850 Chief Protector Of Aborigines' Outward Letter Book (Refer to Microfilm Copy, VPRS 4467) VPRS 2895 North Melbourne Closed
Functions for which this Agency has or has had primary responsibilityFunctions for which this Agency has or has had primary responsibility
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Functions for which this Agency has or has had secondary responsibilityFunctions for which this Agency has or has had secondary responsibility
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Superior AgenciesSuperior Agencies
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Date of Relationship Agency Title Agency Number
1850 - 1851 Superintendent, Port Phillip District VA 473
1855 - 1856 Chief Secretary's Department VA 475
1858 - 1859 Board of Land and Works VA 744
Subordinate AgenciesSubordinate Agencies
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